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  1. racer1113

    Parting out 180 gal R/R tank in NJ

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  2. racer1113

    not sure where it went

    hey guys when i woke up this morning he was chillin in the middle of the tank. he was prob in the rock and hiding or sleepin errr sumthing... sorry to get all railed up. and thank you for helping me with suggestions.
  3. racer1113

    not sure where it went

    yeah i have some but they are outside at all times... i did a pretty good check around it... there is really only one place it coulda jumped and i looked like 5 feet around that spot and nothin... im hopin that its just hiding or sleepin or something idk.., ill keep ya informed
  4. racer1113

    not sure where it went

    sorry guys yeah it was a firefish goby sorry about that... i guess foxfire sounded cooler at the time... but in all seriousness what do ya think happened
  5. racer1113

    not sure where it went

    ok so i just got 3 fish in my 90 gallon fowlra false perc, a coral beauty, and a firefox... this afternoon when i was lookin at the fish i didnt see the firefox... so i looked all over the tank for it hoping that it was not dead (i had just gotten them yest) none of them seemed to fight at all...
  6. racer1113

    live rock formation

    yeah i didnt really know where to put this thread so i put it on here. so how do you guys make the caves with your live rock... do you use pvc pipe under the rock to make your cave or what. i tried stacking the rock and i dont really get tunnels just little holes kinda. anyways just wondering if...
  7. racer1113

    white fuzz

  8. racer1113

    white fuzz

    i dont have my digital with me today its back at my dorm... but it looks like mold from the fridge when its all white and fuzzy. also i should mention that this isnt live rock... it was rock that was at my lfs and it was in the base rock bin but it looked very cool so i got 2 pieces. there...
  9. racer1113

    white fuzz

    ok so i have some pieces of live rock in my tank that now has some white fuzz lookin stuff on it... its now spread slightly to the sand... is this bad or what.
  10. racer1113

    Am I Close???

    i put a peice of raw shrimp that my family was cooking that nite... i let it sit there for like 3 or 4 days... wsa that a bad thing
  11. racer1113

    Am I Close???

    ok so i just bought a testing kit from my lfs and did the tests... ph is 8.0 ammon is 0 nitrates is 10 trites is 1.0 is this close... all i have in there right now is 70 pounds of sand and like 25 pounds of baserock... i am getting live rock here in about a week. how do these paras look to u guys
  12. racer1113

    Want To Buy Live Rock Around Nd

    if any one is selling live rock around north dakota i am willing to travel to pick it up. i want around 75 lbs but will look at any amount thank u
  13. racer1113

    2 angels in same tank

    i think the majority of the posts say that i shouldnt do it...of course i can just not listen to you guys....... but then whats the point for asking. i think ima stick with a dwarf for now... more than likely a flame. and maybe a few years ill get me a bigger tank for a bigger angel. thanks chris
  14. racer1113

    2 angels in same tank

    well im not really sure what kinds i want but im leaning towards a flame angel for the dwarf and either the annularis or french... i like the body style of these fish... with the long extended fins. maybe even possibly the koren or the queen angels... i just really like these fish and want more...
  15. racer1113

    2 angels in same tank

    so i kinda got a wild hair... can i put 2 angels in the same tank. i was thinking about a dwarf and a large angel. can they both be added in a 90 gallon. or am i asking for trouble
  16. racer1113

    ocellaris clowns

    pm sent thank u
  17. racer1113

    Advice On Fish Selection

    thank you for the responses... as you can tell im just starting this and really have no idea on what fish i can have with what... also i want to have some shrimp and the typical "cleaning crew" will any of these fish harm my crew...
  18. racer1113

    Advice On Fish Selection

    Hello all Im new to this saltwater game but deff not new to the aquarium world. annnyways i was looking for some diversity in my tank and want alot of color in there. currently i have a 90 gallon with a sump and a skimmer. right now i have 70 lbs of sand and 15 lbs of base rock. i am looking for...
  19. racer1113

    46bow+LR+Livestock 4sale

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