Search results

  1. christopher

    Does Salt Go Bad?

    I have some salt that has clumped up from moisture, I did not think it could go bad but this weekend I tried to make up a water change. I did the following. Drew 8 gallons of water out of my ro-di system. put in pump and heater on Saturday returned Sunday added salt. The water stayed cloudy let...
  2. christopher

    Who is on SWF when you should be working?

    At work is the only time I get to be here!!!:rolleyes:
  3. christopher

    Need help with size of new tank

    I need all your input folks. I have the chance to upgrade or add another tank. I would like one large enough to shut down all the tanks I have now, one 55 gal and two ten gallons all stuffed with live rock and sand. If I get a tank large enough all my fish should get along one yellow tang two...
  4. christopher

    HELP Yellow Tang won't eat.

    Did the water change, gave him a new clip of seaweed and he never went near it. He looks great, picks on the rock but I can't believe he is getting enough to eat just from the rocks. I will keep an eye on him and tonight. I will also soak his food in garlic.
  5. christopher

    HELP Yellow Tang won't eat.

    I will try a different food tonight along with a water change I hope that works. I really like this fish and would hate to see him die so young.
  6. christopher

    HELP Yellow Tang won't eat.

    his body look great. still plump and no sign of ick.
  7. christopher

    HELP Yellow Tang won't eat.

    I don't know what to do. I have had him for two years and he always eats. Now he won't go near his food clip. I have checked his water it tests ok. He has not eaten in three days. Tonight I will change water out of lack of a better idea. Anybody have any ideas? He lives all by himself in a tank...
  8. christopher

    Nebody from CT?

    Megadon, wow I should have gone inside the place. It was closed when I drove by I just read his sign and his ad in the paper. I will go back this weekend and see if he is open. It would be great if they have lots of tanks.
  9. christopher

    Nebody from CT?

    Megadon,I drove past his place last summer. He installs ponds and high end tanks. He did not stock anything. He could order anything I wanted but so can I and I can get better prices. Just like if we pooled an order from here.;)
  10. christopher

    Nebody from CT?

    I from Southbury and work in Bridgeport I don't know about the pet shop your talking aboutbut at least you can't get bad advise from them.:D
  11. christopher

    Powerhead Timer?

    you could do it if you want, your little friends don't need it to be happy. Be careful I have hagen 802 powerheads that I hooked up to a Red Sea wave maker (fancy time clock) and the starting and stoping wore out the impellers really fast. I have been told that Maxi-jet powerheads are the only...
  12. christopher

    Help With Powerheads Please

    No they did not all fail at once. The impellers have gone bad from all the starting and stoping. The fact is I did not get a year out of them and to replace the impellers will cost more than half of what new powerheads cost. Thats why I need a powerhead that will handle the starts and stops.
  13. christopher

    Powerhead Question

    I have a Red Sea Wave Maker that I hooked up to three hagen 802 Powerheads. Well the powerheads have all failed. Is there any powerheads that can take the starting and stoping of the Waver Maker
  14. christopher

    Help With Powerheads Please

    I have a Red Sea wave maker that I hooked up to three Hagen 802 Powerheads. Well the powerheads have all failed. Are there any powerheads on the market that can take the starting and stoping of the wave maker?
  15. christopher

    Need Help With Water

    anyone else with ideas, or how to do's need all the help I can get. <img src="graemlins//confused.gif" border="0" alt="[confused]" /> <img src="graemlins//confused.gif" border="0" alt="[confused]" />
  16. christopher

    Grey spots in my DSB?

    Do you have live rock? are you using Kalkwasser? I have been told that if you use too much the mixture will seperate out of the water and form hard spots in the sand. Just a quess, I am sure someone else will know the answer.
  17. christopher

    Need Help With Water

    Sorry I missed the PO4 filter in your post .I will try to find Phos-Gurd this weekend. I dont have any corals in the tank yet and will not put anything in until my water is perfect. Thanks Chris
  18. christopher

    Need Help With Water

    I will start tonight with a Kent Kalkwasser make up water system to bring up the CA. What buffer should I use to adjust the KH, and ALK down. What brand PO4 sponge should I use? Thanks Chris
  19. christopher

    Moving Reef tank

    I think if you have the ability to move everything into another tank and start over you should. Yes I know that it will set you back months while your tank cycles, but look at it this way. You can correct anything that you think you did wrong, while still keeping everything you have alive in the...
  20. christopher

    Need Help With Water

    I am changing my fish only tank into a reef tank and need some help with my water. The tank is a 55gal with a 4.5 DSB of LS, 90lbs LR a small refugiun (ten gallon)with a 3inch DSB of LS and a sump with skimmer in it. I have three powerheads in the tank for circulation controled by a Red Sea Wave...