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  1. jwalters77

    couple of questions about sand

    Well I would suggest using mostly Southdown sand from Home Depot..and seeding it with some live sand...If you go with just LS you are lookind at some serious money...about 25-29 bucks a bag...and thats only 20lbs!!! hope that helps Jake
  2. jwalters77

    New to board with new Tank!

    First off welcome to the board!! I agree with sammy on the DSB...I started out with crushed coral and an undergravel filter...After lurking for a while on the board I decided to try it before my tank really got running....I switched to a 5-6in sand bed with 50lbs of Southdown and 50lbs of LS...
  3. jwalters77

    Happy customer

    Hey everyone...I also ordered a cleanup crew from this site and was very very very happy...I ordered on a Monday and asked them to ship it so it would arrive on my day off..and sure enough 9am that morning everything arrived intact...excellent service.... Jake
  4. jwalters77

    glass bottom vs live sand

    Well I have never had a glass bottom but I do have a 5-6in sandbed and just for looks if nothing else I would go with sand...I have had more compliments on the sand than anything else... my vote is sand!!!! :cool: Jake
  5. jwalters77

    Fed Ex brought my LR today

    Congrats on your LR...I ordered the 50-55lb box from this site...It looks great but it caused my tank to recycle :eek: but other than that i am very happy with it as I am sure you will be...just keep an eye on the ammonia..mine spiked up to 4ppm!! I would love to see some pics of the rock you...
  6. jwalters77

    green algae prob

    can anyone help...please!!! my lfs doesn't know what they are talking nitrates have come up to 10ppm...nitrite is about.25ppm...and pH is constant at 8.3 temp is between 76-78 I have cut the lighting down to about 4hrs a day...the tank is not near a window or anything... thanks Jake
  7. jwalters77

    green algae prob

    The LR was supposed to be cured...I bought it from this site....I think it is still cycling now....
  8. jwalters77

    green algae prob

    I just put 55lbs of LR in my 55FOWLR and now I seem to have a bad case of algae...I did about a 10-15% water change 2 days ago but today it seems worse...My ammonia level has also spiked to 4ppm...luckly I don't have anything in the tank but LR and 70lbs of southdown with 45lbs of live...
  9. jwalters77

    sand requirements

    How much sand would I need for a 55gal fowlr...I would like at least a 5in bed... Thanks Jake
  10. jwalters77


    To get the UGF out would I need to drain out all the water and then take cc out. or can i get away with just taking the cc out with water intact and adding sand and ls? Jake
  11. jwalters77


    Ok, I admit I made a newbie mistake..I tried to do to much to quickly...I have a 55gal with 2 powerheads and UGF I added to Sargent Major Damsels then two turbo snails....One of the Damsels got a touch of Ich...My lfs recommended Chem-marin which is copper free well i added it and the water had...
  12. jwalters77

    2 Damsels R.I.P. Help!!!!

    can I put anything at all back in there i.e. live rock?
  13. jwalters77

    2 Damsels R.I.P. Help!!!!

    I used Chem-Marin it says it has no copper in it...i didn't check the water after it happened. I just did a 25% water change and vacumed the substrate....I don't have any other fish in the tank right now and I just checked the water and pH was 7.8, ammonia was 0ppm, nitrate was 0ppm and nitrite...
  14. jwalters77

    2 Damsels R.I.P. Help!!!!

    I had two damsels earlier this evening...One of which had a touch of saltwater ich...I bought some meds for it and followed the directions.. Well when I left this evening both of them were very close to the surface trying to get O2..and when I came back they were both dead... I have done a water...
  15. jwalters77

    need input

    I just bought a 55gal tank a week ago...I have and undergravel filter with 2 powerhead pumps...Right now I only have 4 pounds of live rock in the tank and 13lbs of lace rock. Last Friday I put in to Damsels and they seem to be doing fine all my tests are within range and I just added to turbo...