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  1. jwalters77

    What was the hardest part in setting up your reef?

    waiting for the tank to cycle and then you put the fish in....and BAM!!! they get ich and you have to go fishless for 30days...I have done this 3times now...finally invested in a Q tank so if it happens this time it won't be in my show tank.. Jake
  2. jwalters77

    Off topic: Fish stores in/around MS

    Does anyone know of any good fish stores in or around south Mississippi?? I think my LFS has Ich in there tank...every fish I get from them has died of tank has been fishless for about 6 mths me please!! Jake
  3. jwalters77

    algae problem.....

    How long has it been setup? It would definitly help if you had some LR in there...I have about 60-65# in my 55gal...It took about 3mths to get the "good" algae...I had several outbreaks of the nasty green algae because my lights stayed on for too long...hope that helps..:-) Jake
  4. jwalters77

    Water changes....

    Thanks everyone....I was more worried about the rubbermaid tubs bursting...but I am glad to see that everyone has had the same...I think I will go look at a trashcan today...Thanks Jake
  5. jwalters77


    I am a Paramedic who worked 5yrs on the truck and just got burned out....(4 of those yrs were in the Army) I am now a mobile crew supervisor at United Blood Services...Believe it or not I make more money drawing blood than I did by trying to stop it!!! And the big plus no one dies giving...
  6. jwalters77

    Water changes....

    I have an idea about what I want to do...just want to get some input/reinforcement about it :) I want to put a rubbermaid tub somewhere and put a powerhead and heater and all the necessary equipment in it...I just don't know where to but it...I have two roommates who think I am nuts for...
  7. jwalters77

    Size of Q tank

    Thanks for your advice, I have a ten gallon in my room and a 55gal show tank...Unfortunely (sp) I have had really bad luck with the fish lately...When I first setup the tank back in June 2001 I was really motivated about it..I had two sargent major damsels and both got ich so I pulled everything...
  8. jwalters77

    Garlic Juice

    This may sound like a stupid question, but what kind of food are you guys soaking in garlic extract...I have read some really good things about it and I would like to start doing it..thanks Jake
  9. jwalters77

    Size of Q tank

    Is there a minimium size for a Q tank...?
  10. jwalters77

    To all Eclipse hood owners......

    I have a 10gal tank with eclipse hood...I am having a problem maintaining a stable temp...It is an Eclipse TL1 which has two 18in lights...My temp over a 5hour period was 75-76 degrees..I purchased a submersible heater and set it to 78...I got home today after leaving the lights on all day and...
  11. jwalters77

    My Tank

    Very nice...How long have you had it setup? Any ideas of what kind of fish you want in it? looks good Jake
  12. jwalters77

    UGF Removed

    I ordered LS from this site to I got 2 20# bags of Nature's Ocean...I have 60# of playsand and 30# of Nature's Ocean in my display tank...It has been up for almost 10mths now and has done nothing but flourish..The playsand has turned into LS and it looks great!! I ended up with a 5-6in...
  13. jwalters77

    First tank advice

    I agree with Kris, since you already have the CC down...Stick with it for a while..I have a 55gal that I switched from CC to a 6in LS bed..Let me tell you it was no easy task...So see if you like the hobby then you could switch over...Good luck to you...If you like be prepared to work like a dog...
  14. jwalters77


    I just recently got my first tattoo...It is the japanese symbol for dragon..That was on a Monday, on Friday I had a coiled dragon in black and grey underneath it!! That was 5 months ago..I am working on my third one, which is a celtic sun all black in the middle and going to red on the sun...
  15. jwalters77

    My cleaner shrimp caught a bristle worm!?

    I bought a bristleworm trp from my Lfs today...I was going to move my tank today, got it all drained and then decided that it looked the best where I had it!! But to make a long story short, as I was removing my LR a d@*$ bristleworm stung my finger...For something so small it sure did hurt a...
  16. jwalters77

    Want to try hyposalinity

  17. jwalters77

    Want to try hyposalinity

    I have a 55gal with L/R and L/S with 2 blue devil damsels...One of them has started to show signs of ick...I don't have a Q tank nor do I have the money to invest in one right now...I really need some advice on how to start lowering the salinity...I have done a search but didn't turn up anything...
  18. jwalters77

    Just starting the new tank Please help me!!!

    I definitly agree with Andy...Take your time!! I wasted about 250-300 bucks because I was in a hurry to get my tank going...But I slowed down and read some of the posts on this site and asked a lot of questions..Now my tank is up and running again and I much happier with it... good luck and...
  19. jwalters77

    New to board with new Tank!

    I have a 55gal and I used about 75lbs of southdown and seeded it with 45-50lbs of live sand Jake
  20. jwalters77

    New 55 gallon, recommended setup?

    Hey,first of all welcome to the board...I would recommend losing the crushed coral..I started out with it and then got to reading posts here which said it causes more problems in the long run with high nitrates...I would suggest going with a deep sand sand bed is about 5-6in..To me it...