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  1. brently78

    Cured Live Rock

    Is it okay to add cured live rock directly into an established tank, or do you need to keep it separate for a bit first?
  2. brently78

    Seaclone 100 Protein skimmer

    Thanks for all the information, it doesn't sound all that bad so far.
  3. brently78

    Seaclone 100 Protein skimmer

    I'm just kind of on a tight budget, but I also want to make sure that I'm not buying junk.
  4. brently78

    Seaclone 100 Protein skimmer

    I was thinking of purchasing a Seaclone 100 protein Skimmer, but I just wanted to know if anyone has heard anything negative or positive about these at all before I buy it.
  5. brently78

    Gravel Vacuum

    Can you use a Gravel Vacuum on LS, I know it's meant for cc, but I just wasn't sure if you can use it on ls or not. and if not, what do you use to clean the bottom of the tank then?
  6. brently78

    Purchasing in Canada

    I was wondering the same thing, I live in Canada also
  7. brently78


    I know what RO water is, but what is "DI" water???
  8. brently78


    Can you use regular tap water to fill a tank, and then add some sort of chemical to make it more suitable for the fish? or does it have to be R/O water?
  9. brently78

    Has anyone read ....

    So then it's not really worth getting then to start out in the hobby?
  10. brently78

    Has anyone read ....

    I was just wondering if anyone has read "Saltwater Aquariums for Dummies" ? and if this was a good book to buy or not. I see everyone seems to recommend "The Conscientious Marine Aquarist", but just wondering what the "dummies" book was like. Thanks
  11. brently78

    Live sand and rock for 30 gal

    Okay, thank you so much, for your answer
  12. brently78

    Fish stores in Ontario, Canada

    Hello, does anyone know any really good fish stores in Ontario, Canada to purchase supplies as well as fish, or even an online site that is in Canada to order from???. It's too bad this site doesn't deliver to Canada, there is a lot of amazing stuff on here. Thanks
  13. brently78

    Live sand and rock for 30 gal

    Hello, I'm a newbie, and I was wondering how you determine how much live sand and live rock to put in a 30 gallon tank? also a friend is giving me a tank, and he thinks it's 30 gallons but he's not to sure, he gave me the diamensions of it, and it seems like it's a bit bigger than 30 gallons, is...