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  1. superwade2

    Water Test Results...Ready for fish?

    Hi All, I'm pretty sure my 46 Gal has been cycled for a couple weeks now with Ammonia and Nitrites at Zero since about week 3 (Fishless Cycle using 80 lbs LR and 50 Lbs Live Sand). I picked up a few more Salifert Test Kits and wanted to make sure all of my stuff looked OK before I picked up a...
  2. superwade2

    Leafy Green Algea? after Clean Up Crew

    I just added my clean up crew last night into my 46 Gal and they have started on the reddishbrown algea that I had on a bunch of my glass and quite a bit of my LR, but today I noticed in its place on the glass a sort of "leafy" small green stuff replacing the redstuff... I know I have good water...
  3. superwade2

    Anyone members form Northern CA.

    Santa Cruz here... which is more "Central Coast" than Northern Cali, but hey, I'm next to the Ocean! SW2
  4. superwade2

    Cleanup Crew on the Way... 5 ?'s

    Thanks for the reply... nice looking 46 Gal...My Algea growth is pretty fair...Maybe not "quite" as much as the last few in your Picture setup, but not too far off. So they come in different bags by Species, did you acclimate in the bags in the buckets? Or did you dump everything into the...
  5. superwade2

    Cleanup Crew on the Way... 5 ?'s

    I've ordered a Cleanup Crew package and it's scheduled to be delivered tomorrow. I am planning on using the Drip Method to acclimate the new CC package for a couple hours of so. I am a new Aquarist and this is my first addition to my newly cycled tank, so this is all new to me still. My Cycle...
  6. superwade2

    Ocellaris OR True Percula Clownfish???

    Now that I have completed my cycle and am not too far from getting a cleanup crew, I want to consider my 1st Fish over the next few weeks... I plan on my 1st (2) being clownfish and not sure if I should get Ocellaris or True Percula Clownfish, or if there is enough difference to tell or notice...
  7. superwade2

    Water Change Question, Sort Of...

    Well, as it turns out, my question was mute, because I ended up having time to do it this evening anyhow... It didn't take too long, I used an extra Powerhead hooked to some tube to pump the water out of the tank and into a 5 Gal Bottle (2 times) and then the pump out of my clean water tub...
  8. superwade2

    Water Change Question, Sort Of...

    I was planning on doing a 20% Water Change (My 1st Water Change) this evening on my 46 Gal Bowfront that is at the end of it's cycle. Last night I setup a tub of about 10 gallons of RO/DI Water plus a Heater and a Powerhead, etc. I tested the SG and might need to tweak it down just a bit, but...
  9. superwade2

    Should I have my protein skimmer on while cycling?

    I think some skimmers vendors (at least my AquaC Remora Pro) mention something about a "break-in" time... I've been running mine since the day I added water to the tank. And it pulls some stuff out... maybe not the thick black coffee looking stuff that it will eventually, but I figure it's not...
  10. superwade2

    Live Rock Turning Brown - OK?

    Originally Posted by dfox For anyone else who might be reading this thread, I think I have found at least a partial solution to this brown/red algae problem. The LFS and others on this board suggested turbo snails. Purchased 3 large turbo snails this morning. About 1/4 of the algae, shown...
  11. superwade2

    Help me select Cleanup Crew Package

    I'm looking at getting a Clean Up Crew Package to add to my newly cycled 46 Gal tank. I thought a package would be a good starting point until I know which inverts I like and do the best job in my tank. I am looking at these 3 packages, all which are acually listed for a 30 Gal tank (30-55 for...
  12. superwade2

    Comments on Stocking Thoughts - 46 Gal

    Originally Posted by lion_crazz I would just take out the hawkfish and I think you would be fine. You have more than enough live rock, and if you keep up on water quality, I do not see you having a problem. Thanks for the replys... This is kind of the direction I was leaning after doing more...
  13. superwade2

    Comments on Stocking Thoughts - 46 Gal

    I am getting exciting looking at what fish I want to add... Here is what I'm considering... I know that I can't add these all at once...but would be interested in opinions on compatability, timing and order I should add these (I'm guessing on the order below, but not set, although I'd really...
  14. superwade2

    Newbie - Mid Cycle ?'s

    Thanks for the Advice... My New Test Kits should arrive today I think... I will see how things look, give it the weekend, then maybe have LFS test the Water, and if things still look good, go ahead and start with a small Clean Up Crew... (and 25% Water Change as recommneded) I'll keep everyone...
  15. superwade2

    Newbie - Mid Cycle ?'s

    Hi, this is my first post here and I've very new to SW Aquariums. I have done a lot of reading on here and other Aquarium Forum sites as well as a couple books. I have a 46 Gal Bowfront, AquaC Remora Pro Skimmer with Mag3 Pump, (2) MaxiJet1200 Powerheads, 150w Heater, Emperor 280 Bio Filter...