Search results

  1. superwade2

    Blenny or Goby? What Kind?

    I'm also looking for good Color Variation in my tank and things that are also "cool" to watch... In the LONG term, I'm hoping to have (2) Clownfish, (1) Goby/Blenny type fish, (1) Royal Gramma Basslet and (1) Flame OR Coral Beauty Angelfish... Thats why I was thinking the Yellow Watchman, but...
  2. superwade2

    Blenny or Goby? What Kind?

    Originally Posted by Jawfish101 I would reccomend a Jawfish. Their favorite thing to do is to completely re-arrange your sand bed! They are very personable, and will definately "take care of your sandbed". My blue spot is my fav. fish! Are they hard to keep in a smallish, peaceful community...
  3. superwade2

    Blenny or Goby? What Kind?

    I'm looking down the road at my next fish addition to my 46 Gal Bowfront tank (2+ months setup) and would like some input. 75 lbs Live Rock 50 lbs Live Sand (5) Small Blue/Green Chromis (Will be moving 2 to another SW Tank I'm setting up) (1) O.Clownfish (a 2nd is on the way to replace one that...
  4. superwade2

    Help Setup Quarantine Tank

    OK, this may sound dumb, but the PVC elbow fittings I bought all "FLOAT" when I dropped them into the tank... they wer 2" and 3" openings, but apparantly none of the 4-5 that I bought were heavy enought to stay on the bottom of the QT tank... Am I missing something? SW2
  5. superwade2

    any one familiar with dripping method for acclimation?

    I'm no Expert but here is my Bucket/Drip.... SW2
  6. superwade2

    Adding 2nd Clown?

    About a week ago I added 2 O.Clown's from the LFS and I think they were in extreme shock from a new arrival at the LFS and then into my tank on the same day or 2... it's a newly cycled tank (6-7 weeks), and I've had 5 B/G Chromis for a little while which have been doing excellent... Anyhow to...
  7. superwade2

    Help Setup Quarantine Tank

    Ok, reading the FAQ and other posts, I am getting mixed messages about Live Rock in the Quarantine tank.... I have a decent ammount of what I would call "Live Rock Rubble" (about the size of an adult Finger or so, but about 5+ lbs worth)... It's no longer "live" becuase it was just dumped into a...
  8. superwade2

    Help Setup Quarantine Tank

    Originally Posted by usinkit Yes you can do that. What I mean about bio media is the stuff that is in your filter on the 25. Bio media is like little pebbles and cyclinders. What kind of filter do you have for the 25? In my main tank, the 46, I am running an Emporer 280 Bio-Wheel as my only...
  9. superwade2

    Help Setup Quarantine Tank

    Originally Posted by usinkit Cycle it with a cocktail shrimp. If your 46 is cycled you could put some bio media from your 25 in there to get the bacteria to frow on that for a couple of weeks then just pull it out put in the 25 filter and should be good to go. 46 is cycled, but I'm not sure...
  10. superwade2

    Help Setup Quarantine Tank

    I bought a used 25 Gal (used to be freshwater) Aquarium from a Co-Worker and thought I might set it up as my quarantine tank for my 46Gal Main Tank. I am thinking that I would prefer to keep it running all the time if possible as I don't really have the time to bring up and down every few...
  11. superwade2

    will picky clownfish die?

    While I hate to get in the middle of a nutritional debate, my 2nd clown is for some reason still alive...I tried some Mysis shrimp again tonight (with Garlic Guard), and I acutually saw him/her eat maybe 1 or 2 bites... I think I'm still on the death watch... I just did a 17% (8 Gal / 46 Gal...
  12. superwade2

    will picky clownfish die?

    Originally Posted by cain420 where did you get the fish at and what kind of guarantee, if any, do they have? LFS, and NO Guarantee!!! Was cheaper than here or other online stores by quite a bit (including shipping costs), but maybe you get what you pay for.... SW2
  13. superwade2

    will picky clownfish die?

    Well, so far my 2nd clown isn't yet eating that I have seen, but it at least still alive (for now). I thought he was "gone" this morning when I saw him literally sitting on the sand in the corner, leaning on the glass... He has sinced moved, but won't come out of a little Live Rock Cave. I've...
  14. superwade2

    will picky clownfish die?

    Originally Posted by Mikeyjer I wouldn't worry about the chromis! When feeding the bar, all you have to do is swival the bar in the tank for a few seconds and you'll see lots of small particals floating everywhere, no way your clown will miss it. Then just put the bar back into the package and...
  15. superwade2

    will picky clownfish die?

    Originally Posted by Mikeyjer Get the frozen bar of cyclop-eeze, it works for me!!! :happyfish I hope my LFS stocks this... I know they have a freezer full of stuff, but not sure what all they stock. I think I need to take the Chromis out too, at least temporarily... they are vivacious...
  16. superwade2

    will picky clownfish die?

    Cain420, did your other Clown Pull through, and now eating good? I picked up 2 just the other day, and I "think" the smaller of the 2 might already be gone. As of last night, I hadn't seen either of them eat, and the little guy, which had seperated itself from the bigger one was missing this...
  17. superwade2

    Added 2 Clownfish Today!! 8^)

    Here are some pics...
  18. superwade2

    Added 2 Clownfish Today!! 8^)

    I know the little guys are still geting used to thier new home, but I'm pretty sure that I'm going to have to try pellets or something else... I put a small pinch of flake this AM and the 5 Blue/Green Chromis that have been in the tank for a short while came up and munched everything up and I...
  19. superwade2

    Added 2 Clownfish Today!! 8^)

    Hi All... I added my 1st "Real" fish to my 46 Gal this evening...I picked up 2 Clownfish today at my Local Fish Store, Drip Acclimated for 2+ Hours (30Mins Temp in Bag, and a little over 2hrs Drip in Bucket). I'm not sure if they are Ocellaris or True Percula, but I would have to guess...
  20. superwade2

    Water Test Results...Ready for fish?

    Originally Posted by wax32 You are ready, though your SG could be a little higher (1.026). In the long run inverts and corals will be better off with full strength sea water. Yah, I had been keeping my SG closer to 1.024-1.025, but when I drip acclimated my Cleaning Crew Last Week I didn't have...