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  1. greg2424

    Is lobophora good or bad

    i guess that what its it makes like a shelf
  2. greg2424

    need a suggestion

    would i be able to put in hard corals
  3. greg2424

    Is lobophora good or bad

  4. greg2424

    Is lobophora good or bad

    I been getting some of this on my rocks I heard on a thread that this is good, is this true
  5. greg2424

    need a suggestion

    can you keep soft and hard together? what do I need to get 350-400 watts they dont make much for a 35 gallon
  6. greg2424

    anemone growth

    should a anemone always be growing? How fast do they grow?
  7. greg2424

    need a suggestion

    i want to get MH for my 35g any recommendations on the wattage I should be looking at. I like to turn it into a reef tank
  8. greg2424

    new aqualight hang on

    Does anyone know that the new aqualight hang on lamp would be sufficient for a 35 gallon reef tank? its a MH 1x150 20k bulb thanks
  9. greg2424

    ? bta

    My green bta is shrinking and blowwing up everyday whats going on
  10. greg2424

    id please

    what are these zoanthids how do you make them spread
  11. greg2424

    id please

    how do u post a pic
  12. greg2424

    id please

  13. greg2424

    need opinion

    got a 35 gallon wondering what i need to put MH in thanks
  14. greg2424

    can a anemone not be hungry

    somebody please
  15. greg2424

    can a anemone not be hungry

    I got a a green bta yesterday and tried feeding him some mysis and a silverside today does the bta actually grab the food from stick or do you have to hold it there because i held it above him andhe didnt grab it is he just still adjusting to the new surroundings and not hungry should i try to...
  16. greg2424

    Green Anemone dieing!

    i put him in yesterday what i heard they move where they want to have not feed it yet i have a 55 with 6 watts a gallon
  17. greg2424

    Green Anemone dieing!

    it is also deflating but not changing color
  18. greg2424

    Green Anemone dieing!

    come on somebody
  19. greg2424

    Green Anemone dieing!

    looks like my anemone is dieing looks like his stomach is coming out of his mouth and there is stringy stuff coming out to does this mean he is dead help what should i do
  20. greg2424

    ? on lawnmower blenny

    I had a hair algae problem and got rid of it what is the best thing to feed to the blenny now that there is no hair algae left?