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  1. greg2424

    best mh for 35

    What would be a good mh light for my 35 gallon?
  2. greg2424

    Alk question

    Seems like i am always trying to bring up my alk reading, is there something wrong, do you guys use something other than superbufer-dKH to get the alk right and are you always adding something to bring it up? how long is Alk susposed to stay at normal levels before having to raise it
  3. greg2424

    What would happen if I added sand to CC

    the sand will shake to the bottom of the tank and the cc will raise to the top
  4. greg2424

    Green BTA in trouble

    I have a 55 gallon tank with a green bta, i have had it for a least a year. The last couple months though it has shrunk down from being 5 in round to 1 in. It still eats when i feed it. I have a 260 watt PC. Is there anyone know why it has shrunk down? it doensnt look bad or anything it just...
  5. greg2424

    how long does it take for a clown to start hosting

    i have the same as you gbta and a perc, it took about two weeks for mine to start hosting you will see the clown start checking it out and swiming by it a lot and then within a few days start hosting
  6. greg2424

    dont understand

    I understand that, if i make sure the KH is at 105-125 like the directions say then I will be ok? dont understand what is dKH, will it be in range if my kh is in range?
  7. greg2424

    dont understand

    still dont understand, its a saltwater test for says multiply the total number of drops by ten to determine the general hardness in mg/L as calcium carbonate Am I using the right test kit for testing alk?
  8. greg2424

    dont understand

    mg/l is ppm i think so ten drops is 1.79 so my dkh is 1.79?
  9. greg2424

    dont understand

    bought a test kit for KH/GH, is that alkilinity test? dont understand difference between dKH and KH, the readings dont match up up with some post i have read. my test shows the KH to be 100 mg/L all posts showed readings with a decimal point do i need a different test kit, I am going to start...
  10. greg2424

    GSP Question

    thinking about getting some I have plenty of light but was wondering if you supposed to feed them at all and what
  11. greg2424

    need a opinion

    getting 125g tank any recommendations on filtration for a agressive tank? thanks
  12. greg2424

    squirrel fish feeding

    What do you feed these guys? Silversides? Krill? What is best for them
  13. greg2424

    Squirrel fish feeding

    what do you feed them? Silversides? Krill? Whats best for them Thanks
  14. greg2424

    Scooter Blennie Death Question

    scooter blennies are not the greatest to get because of there feeding habits, most of the time they die of starvation because they dont eat a lot. Mysis is there favrite food though
  15. greg2424

    evaporation control ??

    my laundry room is behind my tank so i thought of drilling a hole and running a line to the sump i dont have any room next to my tank
  16. greg2424

    evaporation control ??

    i understand on losing water its just a pain if i can hook something up so i never have to top off it would make life easier
  17. greg2424

    Quarantine tank

    You cant put any live rock in there because the copper will kill the live rock I dont do anything to mine i just keep a eye on my readings change the water once in a while thats about it
  18. greg2424

    evaporation control ??

    its a wet dry system
  19. greg2424

    evaporation control ??

    is there any suggestions for controlling evaporation for my tank is there something that i can hook up my ro/di unit??
  20. greg2424

    need a suggestion

    its 18 inches deep