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  1. blue dew


    Robbie2, Sorry about the mis-ID yesterday. I failed to notice the reddish tint to the substrate. Hope everything goes well and the stuff disappears quick for you. Dew
  2. blue dew


    If its the red on top of the rock your talking about then yes its good. Thats coraline algae, a good macro algae. Very nice looking rock by the way. - Dew
  3. blue dew

    Clownfish Feeding Behavior

    Thanks for all the replies. I just fed them without turning the powerheads off and it seemed to go well. Looks like there was enough left over for the Peppermint Shrimp to grab some. The Clowns still seem to be very fond of the right front side of the tank, right near one of the powerheads. I...
  4. blue dew

    Other Ideas for Appropriate 30 Gal Tank Fish

    Hey, I posted a question a few weeks ago in this forum about fish for a 30 gallon reef. I've got two Perculas right now and had been thinking about a Royal Gramma. Another input from the board was for a Pygmy Angel. However, I'm now considering a 6 Line Wrasse. I've read some cool things about...
  5. blue dew

    Clownfish Feeding Behavior

    Hi, I'm wondering if anyone else has seen something like this. My 2 Percs are the only fish in my tank (so far) and they've been in there a week tomorrow. I'm feeding them once a day and I've been turning the powerheads off when I add the food.I've tried feeding them flakes and frozen brine...
  6. blue dew

    Blueleg or Scarlet

    I have to agree on the scarlets being less aggresive, at least in my tank. Mine just seem to sleep when the lights are on, then do their work at night. However, my two Hawaiian Zebra hermits are the terrorists of my tank. Watched one chase down a nice size Astrea snail 3 times (I kept trying to...
  7. blue dew

    my first fish!!

    This is cool! I also just got my first fish for the tank today, and they're a pair of Ocellaris Clowns too. They seem to be doing the same thing, hanging out for the most part on the right side of the tank. The smaller of the two has ventured across the tank once or twice but then zips back over...
  8. blue dew

    Peppermint Shrimp and Aptasia

    Man, I hope my peppermint leaves my mushroom alone. The aiptasia and mushroom both showed up on the same rock. So far he hasn't touched it. Just have to make sure he doesn't get too hungry Dew
  9. blue dew

    distilled water ok?

    Point taken... Walmart also happens to be a lot closer. Eventually, when I'm not living in an apartment, I'd love to have my own RO/DI unit. Dew
  10. blue dew

    distilled water ok?

    I've been using distilled water since the beginning without any problems. It was cheaper at Walmart (58 cents/gallon) than the 75 cent/gallon RO water that my LFS occasionally sells. So far no problems with it. Phosphates have remained at O with only marginal algae outbreaks. I learned my lesson...
  11. blue dew

    checking tap water.

    Thanks for the information. I live in New Orleans and the fact that both copper and lead are found in my water was news to me. I already knew about the clorine and cloramine in the water. Glad I use distilled in my SW tank. Still trying to replace all the water in my FW tank since I used some...
  12. blue dew

    Peppermint Shrimp and Aptasia

    I had 2 large aiptasia and about 6 small ones that came on the first piece of live rock in my tank. They were spreading pretty quickly before I introduced one Peppermint Shrimp. Within two days he's wiped all the Aiptasia out except for one which is still hanging on (although 1/4 of the size it...
  13. blue dew

    Quality Live Rock??

    Hi, Give it a couple of days to settle then you should start seeing stuff, especially after the lights are off. I was amazed at the amount of worms, pods, tiny feather dusters and even a couple of tiny starfish that just showed up after a few days. Dew
  14. blue dew

    New Tank Set-Up -Do I need a protein skimmer???

    Hi and welcome to the board! You will probably get a lot of pros and cons on the skimmer question, but the majority will likely be for one. I've got a 30 gallon tank and I'm using the CPR Backpack2R on it and it seems to be doing well. Algae isn't too bad so far and my water is nice and clear...
  15. blue dew

    When can i start adding?

    Hi, I'm also pretty new at this hobby, but from what I've read and the huge amount of info on this board, you might want to consider doing a good 25% or so water change to lower your nitrates. I waited until my ammonia and nitrites were both zero for a week, then did a water change. It dropped...
  16. blue dew

    live rock surprises

    Well so far I've noticed, Lots of bristile worms (some grey, most red colored), "spagetti" worms, too many Aiptasia anenomes, a nice size green mushroom, a small Asternia starfish, and last night a dime sized red colored serpent star or brittle star poped out of the rock. Every night there seems...
  17. blue dew

    OT: The National Champions will be ...

    Syracuse, of course
  18. blue dew

    Fish Ideas for a 30 Gallon Reef

    Hey, This is my first time posting on this forum, but I felt it was appropriate to my questions. I'm still in the process of cycling my tank, although its getting closer everyday. Just waiting for the nitites to drop a bit more and remain at zero for awhile. My question is on appropriate fishes...
  19. blue dew

    My First Starfish

    Thanks for all the information! So far, thats the only one I've seen and the last time was a day ago. I think it would be very hard to spot on the rock dur to it's coloring and fact that it moved very slow. I hope it multiplies over time. Dew
  20. blue dew

    My First Starfish

    Thanks for the replies. I just got home and the starfish is hanging in there. He's completly on the other side of the tank from where he was at this morning. It would be cool if it does multiply, as long as they don't get huge and munch up everything I want to eventually get growing in the tank...