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  1. rob1116

    Odd sump/fuge design...

    Ah yes, thanks scooter! I was going to ask that question, but doubted anyone would have such specific info... thanks bro! The site lists the pump at 3.75" wide, so I guess I'll extend the return section to 5".
  2. rob1116

    VHO baslast/kit choices...

    Ahh... I get the idea now. The room is quite big... about 25'X20', with I believe 10' ceiling. (I'm buying a condo... hopefully soon) The tank won't be anywhere near a window, if that matters. It will be up against a wall, but otherwise open on all sides. It's a wood canopy... but as I...
  3. rob1116

    Odd sump/fuge design...

    Yeah... I guess it wouldn't take much to junk it up enough to stick open. I'll go with just a siphon hole then. Easy enough to see if it's clear everyday... rather than taking apart a check valve periodically. I didn't like the powerhead in the 'fuge idea either... I should know better. It'll...
  4. rob1116

    Odd sump/fuge design...

    Yeah... that would probably be a more reliable method. Do the swing-type check valves restrict the flow much? If not, I might aswell put both in to make sure. Otherwise, I'll just drill a hole and keep it clean. I'll also be putting a Durso type standpipe in the overflow right from the...
  5. rob1116

    Odd sump/fuge design...

    Sweet! I originally had the Euro-Reef ES8-1 in there... but opted for the smaller ES6-1, (still rated for 100g) and increased the size of the refugium area. Thanks Bang! Anyone care to comment?
  6. rob1116

    VHO baslast/kit choices...

    Oh... forgot the details: I'll most likely go with the PFO 48" Retrofit kit. 2x175w Ushio 10k's, and 2x110w VHO's... most likely URI Super Actinic. Not sure about that though... from what I've gathered so far, the 10k MH's have a considerable amount of blue in them already. The PFO...
  7. rob1116

    VHO baslast/kit choices...

    Bigmac: lol... if you haven't already, be sure to read my new thread entitled: "Odd sump/fuge design" After alot of reading, and considering my acute fondness of clams... I've decided to go with MH :-)
  8. rob1116

    Odd sump/fuge design...

    In an effort to supply both my skimmer and my 'fuge areas of my sump with raw overflow water, I've redesigned my layout. This design also allows water from the refugium to return to the tank without being filtered... which I wanted. I've also changed the lighting... to the demise of my savings...
  9. rob1116


    edited: Broomer5 No links please
  10. rob1116

    First sump/'fuge design for my first SW tank!

    Okay... I've done a few calculations, assuming I leave all the baffles in thier current positions. Running water level starting at 13", (which would be 1" over all the baffles except the one on the left of the filter media) as shown in the diagram. I would have to lose, (evaporate) 1.5gals to...
  11. rob1116

    Attention: Zanemoseley

    Okay... I got it straight now. Thanks again, you've helped me alot Blue! I'll probably stick to the setup I posted... except I might opt for a mag 9.5 instead. The Velocity T3 is supposed to be a great pump, but it costs considerably more than the mag 9.5 which pushes about the same flow. I'd...
  12. rob1116

    First sump/'fuge design for my first SW tank!

    You also mentioned in another thread that this is a FOWLR tank right? Sounds like your setup is working fine, but I plan on corals being the focal point of my reef. I'm definitely going with as big a skimmer as I can afford/fit. Thanks anyway.
  13. rob1116

    First sump/'fuge design for my first SW tank!

    David S: Okay, I see what you're saying... but what do you mean, "if you lose siphon". The flow into the sump is from my built-in overflow, and it just works on gravity... doesn't it? Anyway, you're saying that I can have the last baffle lower, but still keep the high water level... that I...
  14. rob1116

    Attention: Zanemoseley

    Okay, let me ask you one more thing Blue. You've been lots of help thus far. What's the deal with evaporation? What I mean is, if you remove some water from the system, what/where does the level change occur? The level in your setup looks alot lower than I imagined it. By the looks of it, the...
  15. rob1116

    First sump/'fuge design for my first SW tank!

    That sucks... I wanted at least 4" of substrate. If I lower the walls to 10", that'll only leave 6" of water! That's not much of a 'fuge. How come Blue Dew's setup works?
  16. rob1116

    First sump/'fuge design for my first SW tank!

    Ah yes, I understand what you're saying gollus. With this setup, if I let the water line drop an inch my return section will dry out, and possibly kill my pump. So is there anyway I can prevent this without lowering the last baffle too much? I'm trying to keep the refugium section as large as...
  17. rob1116

    First sump/'fuge design for my first SW tank!

    Actually, the tank isn't mine yet... and I can chose whatever size overflow holes/bulkheads I want, and up/downgrade the pump accordingly. On the other hand, I'll have about 4' of head, aswell as 3 X 90° turns... so the flow will probably be significantly less than 750GpH. What's the...
  18. rob1116

    First sump/'fuge design for my first SW tank!

    Re Heaters: Yeah, looking at Blue Dew's sump, I'll probably have to move them... no problem. As for the filter media: After my sump is up and 'living', I'll probably take most of it out... but I'd still like some mechanical filtration to keep the water crystal clear. So other than that, does...
  19. rob1116

    Attention: Zanemoseley

    Wow... that was quick, thanks! Nice rock... are those mangroves? What type of macro is that? Lighting? Skimmer? Noise? Anything you would change? Now I know what they mean when they say that a live sump can be just as interesting as the main tank... sometimes more!
  20. rob1116

    Attention: Zanemoseley

    That sounds good. How do you like the Mag so far? Sound, heat, flow? I know the price is right, so I was contemplating one. I'd love to see it up and running. What are you doing with the 'fure area? DSB, macro, mud, lighting? Sorry, I'm just trying to get some ideas for mine. If you have...