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  1. jon-paul

    pics of you guys!

    Okay when I said 21 I actually meant 15. I did think you were younger but you had your pic in some magazine. So I sorta figured you must be older. Uhhhhh... I suppose I slightly misjudged your age :D . I can be forgiven right. Anyway time to change subject. ... How old ya think I am? Just...
  2. jon-paul

    Tank Pictures Finally.

    What algae :D . No cool pic. Those sun corasl are awesome.
  3. jon-paul

    pics of you guys!

    I'm gonna say 20. Maybe 21. No 21.
  4. jon-paul

    How many watts for a 12 gallon

    Originally posted by MarVida I have 3X32 on my 10 gal & it does great with softies & some LPS. Light's only one problem in a nano, water quality has been more of an issue in my experience. He said that he has one over his 10. I forget what the dimensions on a 12 gallon but they are probably...
  5. jon-paul

    Fishy Food Mmmmm

    My two clowns eat TetraMarine and Mysis Shrimp ( I feed Mysis every two days). They seem to like flakes more than shrimp. LoL Jon-Paul
  6. jon-paul


    I'm topless on my 37 and have about 1 litre of evaporation a day. As stated before you let more light through but salt gets on your bulbs which is easily cleaned off. Jon-Paul
  7. jon-paul

    What are they?

    Bang are these tunicates bad?? I have found a few colonies of them in my tank.
  8. jon-paul

    WHat is the easiest sw fish to breed

    Or you could get a like 3" Clown and a like 2" Clown and they would probably pair up. I bought a 1.5" and a 2" from the same tank with about 25 otehr tank raised clowns and they paired up right away. They also hosted my sebae right away.
  9. jon-paul

    2 tang tank- how many gallons?

    I don't think you need a 180. The 150 would be fine for those tangs.
  10. jon-paul

    fish stocking list

    I have heard of regal a.k.a. known as Blue Hippo Tangs outgrow 90 Gallons. That species does grow large. i'm going with Stacey and saying the regal and niger triger would get too big. The angel adn chromis would be fine though.
  11. jon-paul

    WHat is the easiest sw fish to breed

    I believe with clownfish the biggest fish in the tank if there was 100 the biggest would be the female (or male i forget) and the second biggest fish would be the male. All clowns start out as males and then they change their gender to female if they are the biggest. So usually clowns are kept...
  12. jon-paul

    just what the heck is low/med/high LIGHTING?????????

    I guess its medium but what is this coral chart. It could be very wrong if it judges by watts per gallon. Where is it or do you have a pic?
  13. jon-paul

    Post your skimmerless tank pics...

    Oh yeah and I also got new lights and a filter. This pic is wayyyyyyyyyyyyy outta date. Pink Floyd Rulessss
  14. jon-paul

    Post your skimmerless tank pics...

    Yeah I have no skimmer on my tank. Still looks fine. Note the tank has had a rock slight move around, 4 new corals and a death of a fish ooooo and my anenome moved since this pic was taken. LoL still is clean.
  15. jon-paul

    How many watts for a 12 gallon

    I'm gonna go with Marvida on this. I'd go with 3x32's of PC. That would let you keep LPS like hammer and stuff along with the usual corals (shrooms, Green Star Polyps, Zoo's). It'd be a nice setup. I'd go with 3 50/50 or 2 10K's and 1 Actinic (personally I like my tank a little bluer). Good luck...
  16. jon-paul

    Dwarf/Zebra Lionfish

    So like a 55 Gallon? If I got a 55 Gallon would I be able to put some sort of sdmall puffer like Saddle Valentini Pufferfish. Would ther be any otehr fish I could put in? Thanx
  17. jon-paul

    Dwarf/Zebra Lionfish

    I was wondering what the minimum tank size is for just a Lionfish. I have a spare 29 gallon and was wondering if he would fit in tehre or if he would need a 55? I would get no ther fish and just him. Thanx
  18. jon-paul

    Other Hobby Pics???

    I thought that pic looked funny so I took another. I like actin stupid. Jon-Paul
  19. jon-paul

    Other Hobby Pics???

    Ross amn i can only see the yop of your head... anyway my other hobby is probably skiing. I don't have any pics of me but there's a pic of my skiis. It's a wikit cruddy pic cuz I don't have a digi only a web :( . Man I wish I had a porsche/driver liscense :( ) Anyway they're the 2003 Salomon...
  20. jon-paul

    pics of you guys!

    These threads seem to keep coming back. Noone better tell me I look like screech or I will hurt them! (ALthough I won't do much damage :( )