Search results

  1. tne1cancme

    Bass suggestions

    My 17 yr old son is a musician (drums, guitar, bass, trumpet, tuba and pretty much anything else he decides to pick up). I don't play anything but I do the sound for his praise band and our church praise teams. my experience being the one who has purchased all my sons equipment and most of the...
  2. tne1cancme

    Explain your AVATAR!

    It's a picture I took at Falls Creek Baptist Camp about 25 miles north of where I live, in the Arbuckle mountains. I like the reminder of Gods grace in the Cross and the beauty of his creation in where they put this Cross.
  3. tne1cancme

    Anybody have freshwater pics?

    My 8" inch Tiger Oscar
  4. tne1cancme

    Really stupid questions about whatever

    What's even funnier is what the locals call the video place. THE WILLIAM J. CLINTON PRESIDENTIAL LIBRARY ANNEX. Hence D(dirty)W(Willys) adult video.
  5. tne1cancme

    how ya doing tobin?

    WIll DO! Take Care and GOD BLESS Tim
  6. tne1cancme

    how ya doing tobin?

    Hey Tobin and Jenny, Neat thing happened this week. We didn't go to church last Wed. because we were out of town, but when I open the S.S. room Sun. morning there's your name at the top of the whiteboard for prayer request and blessings. Seems like the kids think that if you are important enough...
  7. tne1cancme

    chewin baccer

    Best of Luck man. I dipped kodiak back in HS and college , then on to cigs when I drove an oilfield truck, I tried to quit smoking by goin back to dip and of course then had to break that habit again. Sunflower seeds and nicorrete gum, and boy howdy those 1st weeks were tough, sore mouth from...
  8. tne1cancme

    Vacation curse 911

    I notice all the time on here of people going on vacation to come home to a bombed tank. WELL IT HAS HAPPENED TO US! Went to Tulsa on Tues. and Wed. for the PGA Championships, Came home about 8:00 last night to no air conditioning. The house was 98' , our 24g Aquapod was 94.5' and the Temp...
  9. tne1cancme

    Melee's new BioCube 14 tank diary! Pics

    Tank looks great. Man those first weeks are sure hard, you always want to add something but always scared if it's to soon. Good luck!
  10. tne1cancme

    1st coral

    PICS Wish they had come out better, me and the camera have issues at times.
  11. tne1cancme

    1st coral

    I added a few more corals yesterday. A friend at work was clearing some space in his 180 and offered me first dibs before he took them to the LFS. Xenia with a single green metalllic hairy mushroom on a rock.( please don't rip me about them being "weeds", IMO the're one of the coolest corals and...
  12. tne1cancme

    this is really neat and inspirational

    Man I'm glad to hear that. GLORY TO GOD IN ALL THINGS, Lest i forget that I'm just the instrument he is the MAESTRO!!
  13. tne1cancme

    this is really neat and inspirational

    Great skit, thanks Tobin. This song has a special place in my heart because it was the first song I sang @ church with my S.S. girls singing back up for me. BTW Tobin how are ya doing today, haven't talk to you in while, I hope you and Jenny are well and know that I am still praying unceasingly...
  14. tne1cancme

    anyone a suzi motorcycle expert?

    I'm thinking it's a '77-'78. Frame and pipe layout appear to be RM, tank may be off a TS. It's hard to tell from pic but it looks to me like either a 80cc or maybe a 100cc. Definitely a 2 stroke, run oil @ 32:1 or 40:1, really depends on quality of oil you run. Run a good motorcycle 2 stroke oil...
  15. tne1cancme


    Jenny, If it's okay with you guys, I have quit a few contacts in the BGCO, I will try to have Tobin put on as many church prayer lists as I can. I will continue to wage a prayer war against this cancer. If you need me just call. God Bless Tim
  16. tne1cancme

    1st coral

    Originally Posted by HowardJ What kind of lighting to you have? stock, or stock MH? Or other? I'm hoping to get stock MH for 299. your corals look great! I have the stock pc lights. 1X32w dual daylight, 1X32w dual actinic. Thanks!
  17. tne1cancme

    What type of dog do you have?

    The BOYS, they run the house and we oblige by spoiling them rotten. Copper Dude-12yrs, Chico "petey"- 6yrs, Chipper"rufus"-14wks
  18. tne1cancme

    1st coral

    Originally Posted by cjason3041 i hope you know the biggest problem with your first coral now you are gonna spend your childs college fund one more, .... looks great!!! I laughed when I read this, but whose laughing now! New Coral--- Hairy mushrooms, added yesterday afternoon, wasn't really...
  19. tne1cancme

    Candy cane corals....lets see them

    I just added these to my 24g aquapod.
  20. tne1cancme

    just have to tell everyone

    Be sure and go to BC CLARK, check out their huge sw tank and get in on the pray for rain program , Congrats and God Bless!