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  1. tne1cancme

    My first Aquapod

    I'm a POKE. Glad to hear from a fellow okie. Hey, do you know what OU stands for? the Other University!!!!
  2. tne1cancme

    My first Aquapod

    Couldn't find my red filter for my flashlight, so I tried the sneak up and blind method. I didn't notice anything that frightened me. saw one worm quickly dart back into the LR, no positive ID, but from reading and trying to learn from these boards and all the help I'm getting from other...
  3. tne1cancme

    My first Aquapod

    Haven't noticed anything other than the few snails and slug like critters. A friend told me the purple slug like thing might be a stomatella, looked it up in the archives and believe he might be right. I am going to deploy the red lens flashlight method tonight and see if any thing else is there...
  4. tne1cancme

    My first Aquapod

    The rock is Fiji, the snail is very active, he moves back and forth across the sand in the front of the tank. The other critter resembles a slug with a fuzzy purple spotted black eyed pea on his back ???. I also noticed quit a few other slug looking critters some black, some brown with this same...
  5. tne1cancme

    water conditions help

    Originally Posted by awilson500 I'm having the same problem with no fibers got a cheap fish tank $50 held freshwater. well anyway bought sand and salt two days ago and the water is super clowdy this stinks used crystal reef salt and RO water... any ideas on how to make it go away????? ya I...
  6. tne1cancme

    My first Aquapod

    ] I have tried to read and absorb as much info from this forum as possible. I started the tank Sat. it has 25lbs if LS and 25 lbs of LR. If someone could would you please identify my new tank inhabitants, they were bonus gifts with the live rock.
  7. tne1cancme

    My first Aquapod

    Well after 20+ yrs of freshwater (mostly Chiclids) I have jumped off the high dive, musta hit my head, and bought an 24g Aquapod