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  1. jp0379

    Naso Tang

    You guys are ridiculous, really. Have a great life. This "your tank isn't big enough" is completely out of control. In a year this board will be saying you need a 75 gallon tank minimum for one blue damsel. There is so much "opinion" that is being posted here as "fact", and its WRONG, by the...
  2. jp0379

    What fish next?

    Kreach, no offense taken. We all have our opinions, like the old saying goes. And this board is famous (or infamous) for "the tank isnt' big enough for that fish", so I'm immune to that comment. A 55 is big enough for a tang, and it also, of course, depends on how much else you have in the...
  3. jp0379

    Cooling water temp!

    This probably won't help you, but we actually had to move our tank to another room. We had it in a playroom, and the temp stayed too high while we were cycling, so we moved it to the living room and its fine. A heater is all we need. It was a PAIN to move ours, which was a 55, so I'm sure...
  4. jp0379

    DSB or Undergravel filter?

    Heres what we did. In our 55 gallon, we used 20 lbs of southdown (playsand, same thing) and 25 lbs. of livesand, which costs 25 bucks for a 25 lb. bag. Eight weeks later, it was ready to go. I paid 30 bucks for it all, as opposed to 50 bucks for 50 lbs of livesand, and it worked just as well.
  5. jp0379

    What fish next?

    I'd go with a yellow tang if it were me, but only because we've had a couple and they've always been easy to care for. Make sure you have a clip that you can put inside the tank so that he (or she...LOL) can get some vegetable matter (lettuce, ect...). As I (and a couple of others after I...
  6. jp0379

    Naso Tang

    You said in the original post that that everyone gets along, so why anyone would say get rid of them is odd. NO WAIT, its not odd. Its normal on this board. Keep the damsels BECAUSE THEY AREN'T CAUSING ANY PROBLEMS. This board is really getting ridiculous.
  7. jp0379

    Box puffer....feeding????

    I love it.........the first week he pretty much hung out on the bottom in the back, but now he swims around most of the time. We don't feed any fish other fish, but we do feed our snowflake eel (my other favorite occupant!) live grass shrimp a couple of times a week. All the fish get used to...
  8. jp0379

    dwarf fuzzy lion

    Cdubb, don't let the attitude problems of a few "All-knowing"'s here bother ya. That and "your tank isn't big enough" as well as "those fish don't go together" are the most common problems here. Just ignore 'em. As for the fish, my lionfish isn't active other than moving around a bit until it...
  9. jp0379

    Box puffer....feeding????

    Just got a baby box puffer.........he's been eating krill, brine shrimp, and he nibbled on some beefheart. IF anyone out there owns one, what does yours eat? Just curious!
  10. jp0379

    just a question......opinions

  11. jp0379


    Donna.....not sure how long you've been around here, but the "your tank isn't big enough" statement is made no less than 4251 times a day. Don't sweat it.
  12. jp0379

    Friend for Clownfish?

    Doodle, one problem shouldn't change your mind, but okay. Anyway, use two nets, sit them in the tank, feed the fish, and catch your damsel that way. Those suckers are FAST!
  13. jp0379

    -55 Gallon-

    They will do okay in a 55 for quite awhile. My neighbor has had a yellow tang in his 55 for about two years. MAN, this board ought to have a "your tank is not big enough" icon to cut and past for some people here.
  14. jp0379

    Friend for Clownfish?

    As has been posted here a million times, those of us who have actually owned damsels have seldomly had problems as far as aggresiveness. And an anenome is not hard to keep at all as long as you take the time to check the levels on a regular basis, which should be done anyway, but it is true...
  15. jp0379

    Fish for starting a 20 gallon tank

    CN, "guy" is a figure of speech........I'm sure no one meant any offense. A 20 is not hard to keep up. Why anyone would suggest that as soon as you do a water change the fish are going to die is beyond me. You don't usually find many people on this board that would post something so untrue...
  16. jp0379

    How many name their fish?

    We name 'em all..........I'll post a pic tommorrow!
  17. jp0379

    I'm New

    I've been suggesting "Saltwater Aquariums for Dummies" for a LOOOONG time, and have received more than one email saying that the book isn't worth it, and surprisingly enough none who have said that had ever read it. As I said before, I guess the name isn't "cool" enough......LOL. Thanks to...
  18. jp0379

    Friend for Clownfish?

    We have a few damsels and they don't mess with the perc clown we have. I'd definitely get him an anemone, but as stated above, I'd wait a month or so. A couple of green chromis would be cool.........we have three, and they swim in a "school", so that would be good.
  19. jp0379

    filter, skimmer, what is needed?

    You don't need a skimmer on a 20 gallon. We've had one for a long time, and we've never used a skimmer. We do a 5 gallon water change on a regular basis (about every 8 weeks) and nothing (knock on wood) has died. We have a clown fish, an anenome, a coral banded shrimp, a scooter blenny, and a...
  20. jp0379

    Stupid newb question

    Welcome! As for as nothing dying, congrats! Hopefully you don't have much else other than damsels, because if your tank is newly setup, once that cycle kicks in you're going to stand a good chance of losing fish. I'd RUN to the bookstore and get "Saltwater Fish for Dummies". Dont' worry...