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  1. peter78

    Nassarius Snails

    If you dont have Nassarius Snails, I would get them. My sand would be a lot crappier if I didnt have them. I have seen them come in two sizes. One is about 1" and the other is 1/2". They are diffent but the same. They are a great invert to have in your tank!
  2. peter78

    Zoo question? Is this bad or noral

    I have read about the toxicness of a type of Zoanthea that makes things go numb or paralize even. I do have a couple of books that I can look it up in. Could you recommend any?
  3. peter78

    Help me choose which goby?

    Oh, sorry:yes: Yeah, people alway tried to tell me that it was a goby or a blenny and this was at a LFS as well as other people online. I have a book, and the guy who wrote the book has a PhD or something in Marine Biology. They know generally what they are talking about. Has any one had...
  4. peter78

    Zoo question? Is this bad or noral

    They are really big, but what are palys?
  5. peter78

    Eclipse 29G need light help!!

    Sorry again, with the two lights the total of watts is 40w. You have a 29 gal. That is only about a little more than 1.2 watts per gal. You need at least 3-5w per gal. If you want coral, then I would go for the 4-5w per gal. I also have a 29 gal. I got the PC coralife retro fit. That give...
  6. peter78


    Yeah, they are right. I took in a Regal so it wouldnt die. I love it but I also only have a 29gal. I am planning on putting it in my dad's tank when it is been up for a little bit. Plus if you do put it in, they are a bugger to get out.:thinking:
  7. peter78

    Help me choose which goby?

    Meadbhb, dont worry about my scooter. It is doing great. At first I was scared because it was really skinny and wasnt going after my copods. I tried every thing from live brine to mysid shrimp. My friend told me to try formula one. The scooter really liked that. Thats is what got him over...
  8. peter78

    Help me choose which goby?

    Yeah, I am planning on moving my blue tang. Right now it is only 3 in long. It has lot of swimming space. My dad has a 180 gal that I am planning on putting it in. I know that my bio load is a little heavy. Thats why I have a skimmer, 20 gal refuge and a emperor 400. I also check my water...
  9. peter78

    30 gallon long

    I have about 35 lbs of LR. It also depends on what type since different ones are more poris.
  10. peter78

    how does a coral attach to a rock?

    Himandher is right. You can use superglue gel. The pile of rocks sound like a really good idea too.
  11. peter78

    Nassarius Snails

    My LFS has them, he has a couple diffent types. I am sure they are the same nassarius snail but some are larger than others and the shells are different and the foot on some a black spotted. Really cool.
  12. peter78

    cleaner shrimp in my anemone

    I have two cleaner shrimps. I also have a small rose BTA. When I fish put the anenome in, the shrimp when right for it. They are just looking for food. They also do this with other coral that I bring in. Sometimes they get over zealous and it looks bad but should be fine.
  13. peter78

    Royal gramma or royal chicken?

    My gramma hid for a while. I would have to stand about 10 feet away from my tank so he wouldnt swim back to his cave. Now, he is next to fearless. He will take on my small blue tang. They are great fish. They are just shy until they get to know the tank and the feeder.
  14. peter78

    Help me choose which goby?

    I have been looking at either a Randall's Goby or a Rainford's Goby. I would like to hear why which one you think I should get. I have a 29gal reef tank with about 35 lbs of live rock and 3+ in. live sand. For fish I have a small blue tang (Dori) and a false perc (Nemo), one royal gramma and...
  15. peter78

    Zoo question? Is this bad or noral

    Sweetreef, where do you live in Oregon? Also how long have you had your zoos. Also does your zoos get the whitish or light green around the mouth of the polyp?
  16. peter78

    Zoo question? Is this bad or noral

    This is my wonder full tank. I love to look at it!
  17. peter78

    Zoo question? Is this bad or noral

    Here it is in blue
  18. peter78

    Zoo question? Is this bad or noral

    My zoo didnt start out like this when I got them. They were much greener and flat like a plate. Now they are cuped like a shallow bowl. Is it getting to much light?, Not enough? It was lower in my tank and my LPS guy said to put it up higher. A couple of months ago it looked worse. The...
  19. peter78

    Nassarius Snails

    The snails will start eating dying fish and inverts. When animals are dead or dying they put out a different chemical and that is what is attracking the snails. Trust me, they are super great for your tank. They do the best job on your sand plus if you have a lot and you put in meaty foods...
  20. peter78

    vho vs pc

    I have PCs and they work really good. I have 2 65w, one white and one blue. I have a mostly soft coral and one cup coral. I also have a small RBTA. I have had this set up for well over 8 mo. The PC's arent as bright as I would like but I have a friend that has VHO's for his 55 gal and they...