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  1. undulate*

    Help Now!!!!! Fish Dying!!!!

    Thats weird and i am not the smartest person sorry:confused: Reid
  2. undulate*

    Reef Tank or Saltwater Tank? Difference?

    Yah the only difference is the things you put in Reef tanks are different from like things you would put in a aggressive because like corals and anenomes cant go in with triggers, eels, sharks etc. Reid
  3. undulate*

    clean up crew with a trigger?????

    I didnt think it was possible to have a clean up crew that triggers wouldnt eliminate. Cause i know that when i put any kind of snails or crabs in my Undulate would eat them. Reid
  4. undulate*

    Help Now!!!!! Fish Dying!!!!

    that doesnt really explain things we need more info, water perimeters?
  5. undulate*

    45 equiptment

    I am gonna set up a 45 gallon tank with about 4 fish and two anenomes. I am gonna get a protien skimmer and a couple powerheads. What Else do i need to make my water conditions suitable enough for two anenomes to live in?
  6. undulate*

    Percula Clown feeding

    Yah brine shrimp can be messy but if you feed them little hunks at a time the fish should be able to clean it up and i dont mean just brine shrimp like different mixture foods and Mysis and all sorts
  7. undulate*

    Dwarf lion compatability

    the puffer has its beak tho that it could flip the lion over and peck at its underside. I wouldnt take the wrisk
  8. undulate*

    Adding Fish

    Um for the lion i think you should get either a fuzy dwarf or a fu man chu and the third fish could maybe be some type of wrasse. Im not to sure about the order
  9. undulate*

    Anenome for 45

    someones please answer
  10. undulate*

    what can i have with a green moray eel

    You could put in a big grouper and maybe some triggers.
  11. undulate*

    Anenome for 45

    I am gonna set up a 45 gallon tank it will contain some kind of anenome and some type of clownfish. i am not a expert on SWF so if you were someone just starting with anenomes what kind would you pick and what kind of clowns?:notsure: Also what kind of filtration would you get? I was thinking...
  12. undulate*

    Anenome info?

    ty thomas
  13. undulate*

    Anenome info?

    ok ty what size is good for anenomes? and what type of clowns are good with anenomes. also if the anenomes split i know the guy at the LFS and i can just give them to him to sell.
  14. undulate*

    Percula Clown feeding

    Im not a expert but i dont think you should feed them all flake food you should feed some frozen food once per day. Soak the frozen food in garlic to make yer fish healthier
  15. undulate*

    Anenome info?

    someone please answer . Also in this tank there will e 2 perc clowns
  16. undulate*

    Anenome info?

    can you put a anenome in a 10 gallon. And if so what kind of anenome and what things do i need for it to survive and be healthy, water condition, lighting etc.
  17. undulate*

    10 Gallon

    ok thanx for the info
  18. undulate*

    Water Changes

    do 15% water changes every month
  19. undulate*

    10 Gallon

    In the 45 i was thinking a kind of butterfly. i know that they are hard to take care of but what do you think would be the easiest butterfly to take care of.
  20. undulate*

    10 Gallon

    I was also thinking of setting up a 45. Can people please give me some suggestions on fish