Search results

  1. undulate*

    10 Gallon

    I am looking to set up a 10 gallon tank. I was thinking of having to percula clowns. Any suggestions to what type of fish i should get? :notsure:
  2. undulate*

    Show me your Triggers

    Can people please post pics of their triggers
  3. undulate*

    How much LR for a 30g???

    yah i think its like 1 pound of rock per gallon but as mud player said a little extra doesnt hurt
  4. undulate*

    Aggressive fish tank pics

    Can people please post some pics of their aquariums
  5. undulate*

    Will Triggers Attack Eels?

    they shouldnt attack eels
  6. undulate*

    Will Triggers Attack Eels?

    i cant say for sure cause im not a fish expert but my brother had a snowflake with a clown trigger, Huma Huma trigger and a Niger Trigger and it worked fine so that could work.:happy:
  7. undulate*

    Just got a Fu Man Chu Lion

    I had a Fu Man Chu and i couldnt get it to eat and one day i came home and it was dead so good luck:happy: