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  1. lilly

    Depressed damsel?

    well me and my husband had one it would hide and come out it's ok don't worry to much k
  2. lilly

    Paint for Tank

    you should use krylon paint okay
  3. lilly

    Convincing a ricordea to let go...

    well i heard that using a ice cube works good luck^
  4. lilly

    Getting It On!

    Originally Posted by MiaHeatLvr At least youtube is good for something! yeah thats true
  5. lilly

    My girlfriend thinks i talk more to people on SWF than her!

    give her a kiss every time u see her
  6. lilly

    Ever seen this happen??

    yes, when fraging mushrooms the base will regrow after so long it's amazig to sit back and whach your coral
  7. lilly

    disappearing niger trigger

    well you shouldn't have a fish with and snow flake eel cause ya thee eel will eat the fish no ? ask thats what went down
  8. lilly

    1st Post NEW ZOO ID!!!

    they are freaking kick ass i want to find some like that where did u find those at if u don't mind me asking
  9. lilly

    strange stuff in my tank

    The slimy stuff on your sand is cyano bacteria, its happens to all new tanks. Just syphon it out when you do your next water change.