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  1. thetoyman13

    Lighting Help

    I have a 90 gal, i am useing a 6x65w CP and 8 moons- i like the lighting,adds lots of light to the tank, but i understand there is better lighting out there-i would prefer not to use MH, how good are the T5 HO units--and which brand is best?
  2. thetoyman13

    My clown I think is clueless

    My clowns swim my whole 29gal bio-cube--they come up and feed right out of my eye dropper--but at night with just moon lights--they stay huddled in the upper front cornor
  3. thetoyman13

    Power Heads

    my 90 gal tank is a reef tank
  4. thetoyman13

    Power Heads

    I have a 90gal cornor sifon tank--i use a wet/dry -filter system with a skimmer built into it. does my tank need a power head in it??
  5. thetoyman13

    Aquapod, Nano, or Biocube? Ahhhhhhhhh!

    i have the oceanic 29 gal cube-- i love it because its all self contained--just add the scimmer . but i don't think it puts out enough light for a maxim clam
  6. thetoyman13

    clowns with black dots

    thank you that was a big help
  7. thetoyman13

    clowns with black dots

    my two clowns are starting to get small black dots on their sides--is this a problem?????
  8. thetoyman13

    Is there?

    i have several alantic anemones---and they just love to move around--they seem to like it best--just out of the water flow
  9. thetoyman13

    black spots

    i have two clown fish in my 29gal bio-cube. They are about 2 1/2 in long now. Question--i am starting to see tiny black dot on their sides--should i be worried??