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  1. thetoyman13

    Nitrate out of this world

    I had the same problem with my 90 gal--i tried 15 gal water changes daily for a week--no difference--tested my RO water---no problem---finally tried a different test from a different maker---reading are right where they should be.--so try a different kit, or take water sample to your LFS and...
  2. thetoyman13

    Foxface venom plus another fish??

    the other fish will learn to leave him alone real quick. When i added mine every chased him for awhile---then he would spin up and every one whould leave him alone--neve lost a fish to him--and yes he is deadly
  3. thetoyman13

    How to catch a small blue damsel?

    I put a strawberry crab with a body about the size of a quarter in my 90gal and with in three weeks he both yellow tail damsels the crab would go near their sleeping place--and they would attack the crab with their yellow tail--by backing into the crab---well the crab had a very nice fish...
  4. thetoyman13

    Marine Betta

    My THANKS to both of you-- i love him--he is a beautiful fish
  5. thetoyman13

    To Foxface or Not to Foxface

    I have a Black foxface--my yellow tang bother him for 2-3 days bacause of his yellow back half--no they eat side by side--first night i had him i thought he died--he was in the rocks and a very pale white, but when the lights come on in the morning his color comes right back--no one bothers him...
  6. thetoyman13

    Marine Betta

    I have a 90 tank--125lbs of live rock ,many corals FISH 2 B/W clowns 1 yellow tang 1 coral beauty 1 flame angel 1 hawk fish about a month ago i added a marine Betta--beautiful fish--but all he does is hide in caves in my live rock, i only see him once or twice a week, does any one know if this...
  7. thetoyman13

    drifting anemone

    Mine moved every day for a week. He found his spot in my blue ribbon coral, when he is half inflated he is in the current. He grew to about 14inches across, then split one night three months ago,now the twins are next to each other, original nem has been in this spot for almost a year now. Both...
  8. thetoyman13

    drifting anemone

    He is looking for just the right spot--give him time--he will find it
  9. thetoyman13

    Legless crab

  10. thetoyman13

    Changing Bottom Media

    thank you for the info
  11. thetoyman13

    Legless crab

    I noticed today the one of my three emerald crabs hes about the size of a dime--today he has no legs--just big claws--moves around useing his claws and is eating--does this happen when they are ready to shed their body shell??
  12. thetoyman13

    Changing Bottom Media

    [BDoes any one have an idea on how often you change some the bottom of a reef tank?? i started the 90 gal a year ago--8 fish many corals, 125 lbs of live rock. I do a 5gal water change weekly, then once a month i do 15 gals. Every thing holds steady--just where they should be. The bottom of my...
  13. thetoyman13

    Feeding Corals??

    I have a 90 gal reef tank and a 29 gal bio-cube--both with many corals in them. I feed them some PHYTOPLEX, and ZOOPLEX once a week, is there anything else i should feed them, or is there something better?? Both tanks are a little over a year old and both are full of live rock,all corals in both...
  14. thetoyman13

    Show off your anemones!!!!

    my 90 gal and 29 bio-cube
  15. thetoyman13

    Feeding Corals??

    I was wondering what is best to feed corals. I am sure there will be many different answers. I have a 90 gal reef tank and a 29 gal bio-cube--with many corals in both, all seem to be doing well. I feed them some phyotplex once a week and ZOOplex once a week, is there something more or better to...
  16. thetoyman13

    Feeding A Carpet

    Has anyone had good luck feeding a carpet nem?? Every time i try to feed mine, my black and whites that both live in the carpet, they attack my feeding stick and chunk of krill or silver slider. If i do get the chunk of food onto the carpet, the clowns attack it, and remove it from the carpet...
  17. thetoyman13

    CLOWN Hosting in ---

    My big nem split two months ago and each clown hosted in a new half--and evey one seemed very happy, yesterday i noticed my male clown hosting on and off in my feather duster--has this happened to anyone else???--i have been trying to get a picture--but when i get near the tank with my camera he...
  18. thetoyman13

    New Carpet

    Thanks for the info--i have only had it four days--and it took a whole day for it to stick in the cornor--i had to put a rock there for it to grab on too--i hope its just adjusting to my tank
  19. thetoyman13

    New Carpet

    The Gapeing mouth on the nem is from my female black and white clown--pushing her whole head into it--i have seen her do this several times---then the nems mouth stays open for a little while--then it goes back to a normal closed state
  20. thetoyman13

    NEM split

    Yes it is a heavy growth of coraline--when i first started the cube i had a big piece of inert blue ribbon coral--that i had in a tank 20yrs ago--i put it in the cube just for looks along with live rock, now the ribbon coral is covered with the coraline, and both nems are stuck to it. Some day i...