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  1. stonedage

    Pic of my new true blue zoos & more

    I really dont mean any disrespect, just rying to give you my honest feeling. I only wish i could have a tank that has such amazing colours to be able to take pics of, it really looks like a great set upSA
  2. stonedage

    Pic of my new true blue zoos & more

    i livoe the pics and the last one is great but i think that what ever is in the bottom left corner, the black blur, is going to hurt your chances if there are people with prof. type skills and equip. Im sorry but i want to be honest, I DO love the pics though SA
  3. stonedage

    Ready to frag?

    use GEL type super glue SA
  4. stonedage

    Is This Bad?

    well i dont know what is stinging my clown... i cant figure it out so im reaching here. i dont know that this is what is stinging my clown or what it even is, just something im trying to rule out of the exation SA
  5. stonedage

    Is This Bad?

    so my clown has been getting stung by something unknown for a little bit now, last night i seen this thing on my LR and have no idea what it may be, it looks nothing like the feather dusters that are in there. it looks very prickly, lol. Any ideas at all? this is the best i could get for a...
  6. stonedage

    what is it?

    thanx yes there are more, ive seen maybe 10 now i think. will they take over? SA
  7. stonedage

    how do you guys put pictures on your post

    i made a photobucket acct and then copy and paste the img link SA
  8. stonedage

    whats going wrong with clown?

    that black was starting long befor i added the mushroom, what would you do in my case? If i cant figure it out he is just gunna get blacker and blacker. Im really at a loss here, i dont want to have to get rid of him but at the same time if he is going to be getting stung all of the time maybe...
  9. stonedage

    whats going wrong with clown?

    beth-there is nothing in my tank that stings, well nothing that i know of, is there somekind of hitch hiker that would be doing it? brittle start wont do it right? other than that is just your typical shrimp zoos and snails, the things that i thought were aips are just feather dusters im told...
  10. stonedage

    whats going wrong with clown?

    So I thought that i had a prob with aips stinging my clown but that has been proven incorrect and its just a bunch of small feather dusters, oops, so now Im back to trying to figure out what is happening to my clown to make him go all black, what can i do? hope the pic helps abit, thanx SA
  11. stonedage

    what is it?

    is this white thing a feather duster? there are about 10 of them on my LR, some big some little. should i worry about them? Thanx SA
  12. stonedage

    My Eclipse System 6-4 months

    nYgel-those white things are feather dusters? not aips? wow that makes me way happy if thats the case cuz there are a bunch of them all ovr the place. they are good then right? Im thinking the green thing isnt a feather duster tune because when i moved the rock to a diff spot in the tank it...
  13. stonedage

    My Eclipse System 6-4 months

    k so the second pic and off to the side in the 3rd is that aiptasia? any guesses what the tiny green tube may be in the 3rd pic? thanx SA
  14. stonedage

    My Eclipse System 6-4 months

    nYgel-that is an awesome frogspawn, i bet it looks great in person, pics usually never get the right colours SA
  15. stonedage

    My Eclipse System 6-4 months

    TriGa22-I found someone that has done it online and get the info from them...the sunpaq one will fit but the reflector has to be bent and trimmed, she said heat and top ups come an issue though. right now i can go the week and not top up just do my water changes and bring the level back up, she...
  16. stonedage

    My Eclipse System 6-4 months

    TriGa22-thank you. right now its a 10000k 13w but i have a 32w 50/50 pc coming. SA
  17. stonedage

    My Eclipse System 6-4 months

    thank you very much, have you ever heard of crazyfrog? Im hoping to get on a waiting list to get some of that, its frogspawn but its mainly neon green with neon pink tips absolutely gorgeous looking!!!! SA
  18. stonedage

    My Eclipse System 6-4 months

    i definitely would like to get one of those corals, mostly just for the lil clown so he has a place to sleep at night if he would host one. As for the substrate i am going to swap it out for sand, but i figure i have until atleast end of summer before anything starts to build up enough in the...
  19. stonedage

    My Eclipse System 6-4 months

    SO this is my very simple tank at 4 months. I know that the zoos are stretched, I have a 32w sunpaq with a 50/50 bulb on order. The pic of the mushroom is a piece of LR i noticed buried in a corner of thier holding tank. I bought a peppermint shrimp to eat the aips but that was a week ago and...
  20. stonedage

    What is the best Nano?

    I dont have one but the red sea max would be my pic, its a dream system right out of the box, jmo SA