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  1. stonedage

    30g starts! OMG YES!!! pics inside!

    when i first went and got everything to set my tank up the LR that i bought had a brittle star hidden somewhere in it, i did not know this till i was looking the rocks over a few hours later(it was just in a plastic bag, no water) and seen one of its legs move, ya i jumped. but any way in it...
  2. stonedage

    LS help needed

    you mean slowly as in weeks days or slowly as in hours? SA
  3. stonedage

    LS help needed

    ill keep ya posted as to how it goes, thanx for the help
  4. stonedage

    LS help needed

    the tank is only a 6gal, i think its about 13"X9" not sure how deep i would like the sand to be, what ever is the best i will use, wether its 4" or 1" but im not going to go bare bottomed, for looks mainly. But being as it such a small system i want the sand to help keep my water clean(i do...
  5. stonedage

    LS help needed

    what method would you suggest for cycling the ls? How much would i need? I seen that the LFS has a tank with a bunch of LS in it and nothing else but it has alot of green algea on top of it, should i shop else where or would it be ok to start with it? thanx again SA
  6. stonedage

    LS help needed

    i started my tank in jan, its an eclipse 6. I added about 6 lbs of crushed coral when i started it not knowing about all of the probs with it, now i want to swich to LS, is it possible now? how would i go about swapping one for the other? I have clown as well as the usual clean up crew, and 6...
  7. stonedage

    got a blue mushroom, now what

    ive only been putting it in every 3 days or so, the tank is only a 6gal so ive only been using 2ml at a time as well. The prob is going to be that i dont have enough lighting, but am in the process of trying to find one that will fit, but thats a topic for a nother post and off topic for here SA
  8. stonedage

    got a blue mushroom, now what

    So yesterday at the LFS i was looking at the LR in the tank there and was surprised to find a small piece in the back that had a big blue mushroom coral growing on it that no one had noticed. So then i did the proper thing and bought it for $6.00. Now that i have it home and it is open and...
  9. stonedage

    What do you wish you never added to your tank?

    the LR that had the aiptasia on it
  10. stonedage

    black spots on clown?

    ok, so the LFS traded my camel shrimp for a peppermint shrimp yesterday. This morning when i got up and looked in the tank the peppermint shrimp is no where to be found. I even went as far as to use a maglight to look in the caves, but cant find it. Then i seen my cleaner shrimp with the peps...
  11. stonedage

    black spots on clown?

    thanx for the good luck, but no help with the question? SA
  12. stonedage

    black spots on clown?

    great, so i went and got myself a peppermint shrimp to get rid of my aips and i was just looking at the invert section here and I think the fish store sold me camelback shrimp as peppermint shrimp!!!! Is there any easy way to tell the 2 apart? what would you do? dont suppose the camelbacks...
  13. stonedage

    is 32W enuff?

    would 32w(current USA sunpaq) be enough light in a 6gal to sustain some soft corals and mushrooms and such? should i try and fit in the 56(hamilton reef light hood) or 64w(sunsaq) instead? Id like to use the 32 it im able due to heat and space issues. Id love to hear your opinions thanx SA
  14. stonedage

    black spots on clown?

    so now that ive read all sort of tips on how to get rid of aips, what do you think is the best way? I will get a peppermint shrimp if it wont harm my other inhabitants( anemone shrimp, cleaner shrimp, perc clown, 4 crabs 3 snails, brittle star). So far I can only see 3 of the aiptasias in...
  15. stonedage

    black spots on clown?

    ok i think i might have figured it out......aiptasia(sp?)...i think....on my LR today, well a while ago i first seen it i guess, I saw this white worm looking little tubey thing kinda curled on the rock, but then today i see 2 and there are these small(like1/4") little cup shaped ends on them...
  16. stonedage

    black spots on clown?

    yes i have LR, about 6 lbs, its a 6 galon eclipse. why do you think that there is something on the rock doing it to him?
  17. stonedage

    black spots on clown?

    it looks exactly like the second from bottom pic, the bright one. but i dont have anything that would sting in my tank. SA
  18. stonedage

    black spots on clown?

    My clown that i have had for about 3 weeks is starting to get black "spots" coming out in his orange, any ideas? SA
  19. stonedage

    How To Take Paint Of Of Acrylic???????????

    Thank you, Im glad you actually took my advice and that it worked out for you. SA
  20. stonedage

    pics of my 3 gal picotope

    ya thats the thing i was wondering about, so it could have been a clam but its dead now?