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  1. moprint

    Obama to Seek New Assault Weapons Ban

    I don't know the definition, but I guess I could look it up. But I don't want to over state my knowledge.
  2. moprint

    Obama to Seek New Assault Weapons Ban

    The first one I think had to be the Stg 44. Developed late in WWII by the Germans.
  3. moprint

    Obama to Seek New Assault Weapons Ban

    Originally Posted by bionicarm I didn't answer the question because I don't feel like getting sucked into your game. My brother owned a gun shop from '76 to '82. He was licensed to sell and distribute firearms in the state of Texas. He was also a certified gunsmith that was qualified to...
  4. moprint

    Obama to Seek New Assault Weapons Ban

    I have no idea where you live in Texas, but I suggest you move. I wouldn't live where people get murdered everyday. Where I live there is a high school skeet team and yes they take their personal shotguns to school. Kids still have rifle racks in their pickups and do carry their deer rifle. The...
  5. moprint

    Obama to Seek New Assault Weapons Ban

    For one thing I don't live in Mexico, but you wanna ban weapons where I live. It is not my fault the Mexican police are out gunned, but lets ban certain types of guns. That is not gonna stop the cartel from getting them. Do you think they are cheaper here in the U.S.A. then in Honduras?? Get...
  6. moprint

    Obama to Seek New Assault Weapons Ban

    Originally Posted by bionicarm You need to get out of the backwoods more if you don't think you can't turn an AK-47 or TEC-9 into a fully auto. It's called filing down the sear pin. Here's a simplistic description if you're interested: I called...
  7. moprint

    Ok, explain it to me. I really want to know.

    Rslinger you must not work at a very big company. I have worked in a manager position in fast food also, McDonalds 6 years. The people we hired 85%, I would bet, said this was temporary till they found something else. The govt. is not here too pay for anybodies college, they want that it's...
  8. moprint

    Ok, explain it to me. I really want to know.

    Ok everybody in this country has the chance to be educated up to the 12th grade. They blow it drop out or whatever and now you want to pay for them to be educated again?? Come on get real. I geuss this goes back to the American Dream not being real, i.e. the man holding me back or keeping me...
  9. moprint

    NASCAR fantasy league 2009.

    Originally Posted by BAMACJ5 forgive me ive been in a box called having children for a while what happened to matt kenseths crew chief robby i think was his name Robby Reiser(spl) took a position higher up in Roush Racing. Director of Competition or something like that, he oversees that part...
  10. moprint

    Ok, explain it to me. I really want to know.

    Originally Posted by Darthtang AW Like the government providing healthcare on the backs of those that attained the american dream without government help....We get it. Is that socialism?? The American Dream is there for people who want. Now if all wanna do is listen too Nine Inch Nails in your...
  11. moprint

    Soldier doubts eligibility, defies president's orders

    Originally Posted by Jerthunter Thinking about this, maybe I am just jealous. If I had thought of this idea back when I was in the military I could have just called anyone I didn't want to listen to an imposter and claim that I was defending the consitution, it would have been so much easier...
  12. moprint

    Obama to Seek New Assault Weapons Ban

    Originally Posted by bionicarm I can take an Uzi or TEC-9 and file down the firing pin in five minutes, making it a fully auto gun. What's your point? That sentence shows you shouldn't be talking about guns.
  13. moprint

    Soldier doubts eligibility, defies president's orders

    Wisdom by Kmart LOL!! Wal-Mart will be next. But back on topic. From everything I have read it will be rebuffed or ignored. Though I wish it wouldn't be. Obama should just provide it, unless he has something to hide. Things that make you wonder.
  14. moprint

    75g lighting

    Best buy right now is a T5 fixture at it is in the discount section. It's a 4 bulb fixture with individual reflectors. It's around $130 with bulbs, but no moon lights.
  15. moprint

    Soldier doubts eligibility, defies president's orders

    It was a military installation, so there fore it was Sovereign US territory. So no argument about McCain unless you are just so full of kool-aid you can't see.
  16. moprint

    Soldier doubts eligibility, defies president's orders

    By the way John McCain was born on a U.S.A. military base, Coco Solo Naval Air Station. Being born on a military base is just as good as being born in the states. His father and grandfather were both four star Admirals in the Navy. No question about who, what, where and when.
  17. moprint

    Soldier doubts eligibility, defies president's orders

    Our borders are very lax. To say they need to smuggle RPGs in their luggage is absurd. The Oklahoma City bombing and the first World Trade Center bombing show that a bomb can be made with a little research. Timothy McVay(spl) was not the sharpest knife in the drawer, but look what he did. I...
  18. moprint

    Darth... it's about time someone called you out!!!

    Originally Posted by Darthtang AW Hey, if insulting a fellow SWFer on this site helps inflate your overgrown mongaloidian gourd, Who am I to stop ya? It doesn't matter if you claim my wife has a boyfriend and challenge my manhood. After all, one has to just look at the source and realize they...
  19. moprint

    Soldier doubts eligibility, defies president's orders

    Crimzy have you served in the military? I mean you personally not your dad, uncle, or your former room mates cousin. Because if you have not you have no place to call this person a coward or anything except sir. The U.S.A. armed forces are made up of volunters and should be shown some respect...
  20. moprint

    Lighting question

    Google 48 inch solar T5. It is a 4 bulb fixture. It's only $170, I know over your budget but getting two of those is the best I can up with in your price range. I would get two of those and use them with your current lights.