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  1. rbu1

    cool eel

    Hey Harley, Here is a recent picture of your old friend......Lately he has not been a big eater maybe 2 pieces of shrimp a week. Not sure if I should try another type of food....... Here is his home!!!!!!
  2. rbu1

    cheato 12 bucks shipped.

    Were in SJ are you?
  3. rbu1

    Post pictures of your eels here

    Hi Joe, How is everything? Your White Eyed Moray is still doing great......I am glad I got her from you. BILL
  4. rbu1

    trade homemade blueberry jam for polyps??

    New reefer. What type of stuff do you want? I have a TON of purple mushrooms.......And depending on you location in PA I am in South Jersey 10 minutes from the Commodre Barry Bridge.
  5. rbu1

    selling all coral/fish/anemone NICE STUFF

    Let me know if the anemone is still available. THANKS
  6. rbu1

    W.T.B mushrooms / philly area

    Hey nice shrooms Gman.........I have a tank full of those if you are closer to me. 08085. BILL
  7. rbu1

    Puffer Disease?

    Not to sure what is wrong with him. He looks fine in the picture. Is he eating? Are your water parameters all good? How long have you had the fish? What are you feeding?
  8. rbu1

    Saying goodbye to my White Eye Moray

    Hey Harley.....White eye is doing GREAT.......I will have to try and get you some pictures one of these days. BILL
  9. rbu1

    Emperor Angel

    It can take some time. Especially in an aquarium. You have to make sure you are feeding him a proper diet. Sometimes they don't always change to adult colors completely in an aquarium. It might be a year it might be 2 years or it might be never........Just keep the diet as close as you can to...
  10. rbu1

    Everything must GO!!!

    Sorry to see you leaving the hobby.....What is still available? Any fish?
  11. rbu1

    Hawaiian Dragon Moray

    I hope this is some just a big misunderstanding in some way shape or form. That would be the worst thing I have read yet happening to a fellow hobiest. Maybe he did get arrested!!!!!!!! But he should be man enough to pay you for your fish at the very least. How far does he live from you...
  12. rbu1

    Question on a massive skimmer (group buy) Lifereef vs3-36

    Just a bump for you. LifeReef makes an excellent skimmer. I am using a vs-3-48 on my 300 gallon tank.
  13. rbu1

    Hawaiian Dragon Moray

    Take the triggers......I would love to have a crosshatch. If you can get them to breed.......Let me know!!!!!
  14. rbu1

    16" White Eyed Moray in MD

    Nice talking to you Joe. Consider him sold. I will call you to work out the details as discussed. BILL
  15. rbu1

    16" White Eyed Moray in MD

    Can you call me? 856-371-1090 I am near zip code 08085. I never heard of Churchtown NJ. I think it took me 2 hours to get to the aquarium. I agree this gas stuff STINKS.......BILL
  16. rbu1

    16" White Eyed Moray in MD

    I did try to do a little research and I can't find anything. Is this a rare type of eel? I just want to make sure he will not eat any of my fish.....I have a few angels that I would really hate to have eaten. I am interested and chance of a half way meeting? I am 10 minutes from the Delaware...
  17. rbu1

    16" White Eyed Moray in MD

    How much do you want for him? I have a zebra moray will they be good together in a 300 gallon tank?
  18. rbu1

    HELP - Diamond Goby stirring up trouble...

    That is funny.....I only say that because I am going thru the same thing right now. I picked up a diamond goby last weekend. Man my tank is CLOUDY.......He stirs up some sand. I am hoping that in a couple weeks he will have the sand stirred good so the fine particles no longer float around...
  19. rbu1

    emperor angel adult for sale

    Wish I would have known about 3 weeks ago. I just picked up an emperor 3 weeks ago. DARN!!!!!!!!
  20. rbu1

    grow out clippings for sale

    Hey Mr X. I would like a price on a decent size piece of that blue Mili please. Shipping USPS priority mail will be overnight from PA to NJ. A flat rate box is like $9.00 will that work? Thanks BILL