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  1. johnny84

    tomb of jesus

    Originally Posted by sig45 noble, and i agree with you on the last part of your statment, but my rebuttle on reading all of these books, is this they are written by man, and believe me i have done my share of reading different books, i used to a license minister, , i had to take a class called...
  2. johnny84

    tomb of jesus

    Originally Posted by watson3 You might as well quote Wiki.. You dont have to believe it. But its true.
  3. johnny84

    tomb of jesus

    Originally Posted by DragonZim Where did you get that from? I dont practice any religion myself, but I was brought up Jewish and the Jewish religion has been around just as long, if not longer than the Egyptians "Holy Blood, Holy Grail" by Micheal Baigent. We celebrate Dec. 25th as Jesus's...
  4. johnny84

    tomb of jesus

    Originally Posted by DragonZim I am not trying to destroy your beliefs or the joy you get from following a religion. I just find it interesting that for so many people, if they were offered absolute, definitive proof either way that they would choose to ignore said proof and blindly go on with...
  5. johnny84

    tomb of jesus

    Originally Posted by sig45 I am generally interested in what you are saying, I am christian, and the question is where did you get the info in your statment, and what proof is there to back it, just a little side note as well the story of the birth of christ - the story of salvation is also all...
  6. johnny84

    webscreen still-shots??

    you should have a "print screen" button on your keyboard. Press that, then open a word document or note pad and then click paste. You should be able to see your screen shot
  7. johnny84

    tomb of jesus

    Originally Posted by Bang Guy Could he have risen from the dead, lived out the rest of his life and ascended to heaven when his human body died the second time? Jesus was as human as you or I. He did not rise from the dead. There is no proof that he did. Its all about faith, its about...
  8. johnny84

    tomb of jesus

    Originally Posted by team2jndd Im not a religious person and I was dissapointed that I missed it. I thought with such an interesting topic they would have done a good job. I guess now I know why they didnt play it during sweeps. I believe they are going to air it 4 more times, check your local...
  9. johnny84

    RO/DI Unit

    ok great I will check them out.
  10. johnny84

    RO/DI Unit

    I am looking for a good RO/DI unit, I can use all the suggestions I can get, and also whats the best way to hook them up. Thanks
  11. johnny84

    For Johnny84

    No sorry they are sold
  12. johnny84

    xm and (un)sirius merge

    I have both xm and sirius and I have to say that XM's music stations are 10x better then sirius's. I only listen to Sirius for Howard, if he was not there I would not have sirius at all.
  13. johnny84

    MLB to Fans: Your irrelevant

    Originally Posted by bayside are you really talking to me about icestorms? i live in minnesota i think i have seen quite a few winter storms here, never had a problem with my ondemand hidef cable, cant say the same for direct tv. had both at the same time for a year and my cable greatly...
  14. johnny84

    MLB to Fans: Your irrelevant

    Originally Posted by bayside what does it matter what it cost? some people dont care to much about the cost of either service, but if you live in any place that isnt sunny and calm all day everyday like me then you get taken by direct tv. i tend to like to be able to watch my tv when it is...
  15. johnny84


    I work in Camden and you dont want to be caught there at night
  16. johnny84

    What are the hardiest peaceful fish?

    chromis are pretty hardy, clowns are hardy as well.
  17. johnny84

    lighting and corals?

    In my opinion you can't have too much light, the more light the better, so I would place your corals where you want them, see how they react and if you need to move them then do so.
  18. johnny84

    fire shrimp

    Mine was $29.00 also
  19. johnny84

    Hockey Table for MH lighting :) in GA.

    Email sent
  20. johnny84

    Fowlr.....or More =)?

    It wouldnt hurt to upgrade the lights if you want to start a reef tank, but if you want to try some softies, try some mushrooms first. You can get a sun coral, they dont require much light at all.