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  1. krisiks

    Nemo & Lionfish Questions

    Hi, thanks for your reply. My tank is 70 gallons with a sump/refugium of 30 gallons. I have a protein skimmer, one hand on filter for carbon and 2 powerhead running. I have LR & LS (not CC). My tank is one month old, and I am waiting for 2 more months for my tank to cycle well so that I can...
  2. krisiks

    Nemo & Lionfish Questions

    Hi, Yesterday I boought 2 Nemos and one is slightly bigger than the other one and the big one chase and beat the small one sometimes, is this normal?? I have also seen a small lionfish about 3 inches and looks wonderful. I wanted to buy it but don't know whether I can put it in the same tank...
  3. krisiks

    Emperor and other new fish

    Hi there, What do your emperor feed on? I just got a imperator angel (looks like your emperor) but I don't know what it eats Can you help me. Thanks.
  4. krisiks

    Help... What to feed??

    Thanks for your replies. Yes I am planning to upgrade my tank in the future. I am worried because I have not seen it eating yet. This fish comes from the wild, my LFS caught it and sold it to me without knowing what fish it is and what it eats. Can I cut shrimp into pieces and try feeding it...
  5. krisiks

    Help... What to feed??

    Hi, thanks for your reply. I just bought the imperator 2 days ago and my LFS told me that it feeds on blood worms and flakes, but I think he is lying. Wooow it will become quite big, my tank is only a 90 gallons. Do you think I will be able to keep it or better to bring it back to my LFS...
  6. krisiks

    Help... What to feed??

    I recently bought this fish from someone but having problem feeding it. Can someone help me ID this fish, so that I can buy food for it. Thanks. Does it eat blood worms???
  7. krisiks

    MH Lights

    Hi thanks for replying. Only 5-10 dollar in my electricity bill if I put 2 MH 150 watts? Are you sure? One 150watts won't be enough for my 90cm X 60cm tank? Yes I am not from the U.S. I am on an island name Mauritius, situated in the indian ocean. Believe me or not, I live next to the sea...
  8. krisiks

    MH Lights

    Thanks for your replies. I am actually cycling my tank. My goal is to make it a reef tank. I don't know what are the names of the corals because I can get them directly from the ocean. I will keep both soft and hard coral if I get them. I have read that soft coral need less light than hard...
  9. krisiks

    MH Lights

    Hi people, Looking for advise concerning lights. When to a shop today and seen metal halide 70W, 150W and 400W. Which one to buy? My tank is a 70 gallons (90cm long, 60cm width and 50cm height). Will a 70W MH enough for my tank? Waiting fo your reply before shopping :) Thanks, Kr|S
  10. krisiks

    Refugium pics wanted

    But what is the purpose of hermit crab, snails and stars in a refugium? What do they do in a refugium? Thanks.
  11. krisiks

    Looking for Answers.....

    Hi, Thanks for your reply. Dun worry man, I am fine :joy: If you guys have not replied me that way I would probably keep all the fish. But what should I do with the inverts and anemones? Let them die in my tank? :notsure: And also what about my little boxfish, shall I release it I...
  12. krisiks

    Looking for Answers.....

    OK, I think I have understood and thanks a lot for your replies. I will also get my water tested and come back to you. I will just take the fish back to the ocean today or tomorrow instead of waiting til sunday. I can return the fish back but what about the inverts and anemones? Should I keep...
  13. krisiks

    Looking for Answers.....

    First of all, I am not doing an experiment. Secondly I got all these fish stuck in the live rock. I will tell you a brief story : :) One sunday morning I went to the beach to get live rock and sand to cycle my tank. I just pull up the rock from sea and bring them home. At home when I put them...
  14. krisiks

    Looking for Answers.....

    Hi everybody, Hope someone can give me some answers. I am new to the hobby. I was doing freshwater fish and had discus fish, they are still alive and are doing great :) Like everybody knows, when cycling a tank, nitrite will rise and then goes down and during this process we cannot add fish...
  15. krisiks

    ID Please

    I am not in the U.S, I am on an island called Mauritius in the Indian Ocean. I live next to the sea and can find all sort of fish and corals everywhere, thats because only a few people (Most of them are fisherman) know this place. That is also why I am actually starting a saltwater tank, but...
  16. krisiks

    Flood Light

    Hi, I am new to the hobby, I have already set up my tank with the help of good advise from people of this website :) Now the only thing left are lights and I am actually doing some research. 2 days ago I went to a shop and it has flood lights (see below) it has one which is 500W and one which...
  17. krisiks

    ID Please

    Hi, Thanks for the replies. This fish is cute and I love it, but I did some research on it and what exile said is true, "If one kept as a pet should die, or even if is severely stressed, it will release toxins into the water which could quickly wipe out the entire tank population." Should I...
  18. krisiks

    ID Please

    Hi people, Can you please ID this fish and tell me what to feed it. Thanks. I when to the beach and caught it :) but don't know what to feed it :( Help plz :(
  19. krisiks

    Fish / Coral

    Hi, For not overcrowding a tank, we need to respect the amount of fish added in the tank, right? But do anemones/corals consider as a fish? For example, 2 fish in a 30 gals tank.... what if I add an anemone in it? Do I have to remove a fish for not overcrowding? Thanks.
  20. krisiks

    Pls Read - Corrosion

    Thanks for all your replies. I sincerely appreciate them. I have printed the thread and show to my parents and finally they approved but told me if anything starts rusting I will have to remove it. So, yesterday I started by filling the sand with saltwater mixed and went to the beach to get...