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  1. peglet

    kenya tree frags in Allentown, PA for trade

    I was wondering if you could post a pic. I would like to know what it looks like as. Just curious.
  2. peglet

    frogspawn help

    I purchased a frogspawn today and am wondering if I have to feed it or anything. I have it placed in the mddle of my tank. I have to power sweep powerheads. One at each end of my 55 gal. tank. I have compace MH with double actinics. It looks really good. Already opening, but I dont want to lose...
  3. peglet

    A couple beginner SPS-Montipora

    Do you still have green slimer and the pink digi. How much to ship to Oregon, zip 97423. Don't know how to use the pm part of this. Still trying to figure it out. Thanks peglet
  4. peglet

    Frags for sale.

    Hi, I am quite new to this forum and not quite sure how to navigate the messages. Wanted to send you a pm but didnt know how. I am interested in some of your frags. I like the samoensa, birdsnest, green slimer and the pink pocillorpa. My zip is 97423. Hope to hear from you. Thanks peglet
  5. peglet

    Frags for sale.

    Hi, I am quite new to this forum and not quite sure how to navigate the messages. Wanted to send you a pm but didnt know how. I am interested in some of your frags. I like the samoensa, birdsnest, green slimer and the pink pocillorpa. My zip is 97423. Could you give me a total price including...
  6. peglet

    a little better pic

    Not sure what your taking a picture of. Is it the little button polyps at the top of the page?
  7. peglet

    Kalk dosing with no sump?

    I have been using Kalkwasser in my tank for a good many years. I purchased an IV bag from the veterinary clinic and the extension set. I fill the bag by using a turkey baster, works pretty well. I hang the bag on the wall slightly above my tank with the iv line dropped into the back of my sump...
  8. peglet

    Some mushrrom pics! & help me ID?

    I believe the mushroom in pic one could be in the Ricordia family. I think it was number three pic seems to be a hairy mushroom but could and is most possibly a long tentacle mushroom. I just saw a pic of one on the internet I believe at Dr. Foster and Smith's site. Take a look, maybe it could...
  9. peglet

    need help with bubble coral

    I have a green bubble coral that I purchased about a month ago. I cannot get it to open up. It gets little bubbles and then closes back up. I have moved it around the tank trying to find where it is happy, but no luck. My water is as follows. ph: 8.3 phosphate: .5 nitrate and nitrite and amonia...
  10. peglet

    acrylic scratches

    I would like to know if anyone knows how to fill in the scratches you get in your acrylic aquariums? What do people use to clean the front surface of the aquarium without scratching them?