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  1. peglet

    Scratch Repair???

    I have a 100 gallon acrylic tank. Unbeknown to me I had a small grain of sand in my magnet. Well the rest is history. Bigggg scratch right through the middle of my tank. Has anyone ever used the scratch repair kits and if so how did they work? I have heard you can make it worse....Hazing. That...
  2. peglet

    Securing a torch

    I too have a torch coral, and after it fell from between my rocks and onto the bottom of my tank touching one of my anemones, thus getting stung and losing a head I had my husband take one of my love rock pieces and drill a hole in it. I then placed the pointy part into the hole and filled it...
  3. peglet

    Fish Eating Anemone

    Thanks so much for your help. I have been on some past threads trying to figure this situation out and think you are so very right. I hope my local LFS will take him back. They are pretty sketchy about any returns. I really try not to buy anything from them. I went in to buy some worms and low...
  4. peglet

    Fish Eating Anemone

    Okay here is my problem. I bought a Sebae anemone at least that is what the LFS guy told me he was. I looked him up and the picture looks just like him. My problem is he keeps eating my fish. My small cardinals to be exact. Is this normal? How can I keep my fish from getting to close to the...
  5. peglet

    Anybody out there keeping lps w/ leathers?

    I have sps, lps, zoos, leathers, anemones and fish. I have had no problems. I don't run carbon, but I do regular water changes. My sps are growing like crazy, not sure why you can't keep them all together. I am relatively new at this mix and match thing, so perhaps my ignorance is my bliss...
  6. peglet

    orange sun coral ?

    Just wondering how you feed the mush. Do you put in an dropper and spot feed or do you just add a pinch to your water? Looks nutricious though. lol....
  7. peglet

    Mandarin's diet

    I've never seen a pod either. I wouldnt know one if it bit me. I keep hoping there in my tank and I am just to dumb to know it. My tank is 100 gallon and been up over a year. Lots of LR.
  8. peglet

    Who is your tank enemey?

    some of these had me laughing. I loved the one about geoffrey. Instead of no no bad dog, maybe it should be no no bad geoffrey. haha
  9. peglet

    Bicolor Angel in Reef: Yes or No

    Sorry went back up and saw you do have clams. I'm bad, lol. Still would like to know how long you have had yours and what he eats.
  10. peglet

    Bicolor Angel in Reef: Yes or No

    Oh just out of curiosity SpencerS, what does your bicolor eat and how long have you had it? Do you have any clams? Thanks......
  11. peglet

    Bicolor Angel in Reef: Yes or No

    Thanks so much for your info. I will do some more research before I decide. I probably won't do it as I love my clam and don't want him to get hurt. Thanks.
  12. peglet

    Feeding lettuce

    I feed my tang butter lettuce and even fresh spinach from our greenhouse garden. He loves it. In fact I can give him a choice and he prefers homegrown to the seaweed out of the box. He does not seem to have a problem with digesting it. I don't blanch, break or roll it, not saying that is a bad...
  13. peglet

    Bicolor Angel in Reef: Yes or No

    I was looking in the swf guide. It says greens, pellet and flake. I was hoping it would be okay as he is so colorful and does not get big. It did not say anywhere that I could see that he was a nipper of clams, polyps or sps. Where did you get your info from, if I may ask. Appreciate all your help.
  14. peglet

    Bicolor Angel in Reef: Yes or No

    I was wondering if I could put a bicolor angel in my reef tank. Will it eat my shrimp or my clams? In the info guide it says they are grazers and eat pellets. Hope someone can tell me if they have had one or would attempt one. Thanks in advance.
  15. peglet

    new shots of my 55 reef

    I just want to say your tank is so awesome. I just can't get over how beautiful it is. I always worry about filtration and lighting and you give me hope that my tank will look like yours maybe eventually. I am so glad you posted pics. Breathtaking just doesn't seem to say it all.
  16. peglet

    A finger what??

    I have one of those very corals. I purchased it as an Elk Horn Coral. It started out about the size of yours and is now larger than a dinner plate. I have a 55 gallon and it reaches from front to back and is squeezing up against the glass in the front of my tank. I have ordered a larger tank...
  17. peglet

    Nudibranch eating Montipora

    I also bought some corals from the Diver's Den on Drs Foster and Smith. They were not like the picture at all. My Ricordia mushrooms didn't even have the same amount of mushrooms on the rock as in the pics. My pink birdsnest came with a big clump of filamentous algae in the middle of it and my...
  18. peglet

    ive got bugs

    Could be nudi branch. Mine were.
  19. peglet

    Nudibranch eating Montipora

    I had these guys in my tank a couple of weeks ago. I couldn't figure out why my zoas wouldn't open up. Then I noticed these things crawling all over one of them. They were on my glass also. I squished the ones on my glass and then I grabbed my four colonies of zoos out and placed them into some...
  20. peglet

    classify this mushroom plz?

    Looks like a hairy mushroom IMO.