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  1. jwhiteuwc

    Considering A sump... I have no clue, please help

    It's about time for me to setup a sump, but I have no clue what I'm looking for or what to purchase. I'm looking at placing the sump in my basement and understand the "max head" in a pump and I think I know what size pump I need, but would like your opinion. I have a 55 Gallon and looking to use...
  2. jwhiteuwc

    Can this be repaired?

    I'm thinking of purchasing this ALLGLASS Model 4 sump, but noticed that the back pane is busted. I'm sure I could just have a glass company cut a new sheet and cut the holes, but then the cost might be almost the cost of purchasing the unit for $75 more :-) Here's a pic.... what do you think?
  3. jwhiteuwc

    Grounding probe with GFI... More harm then good?

    I'm interested too. I tested my tank with a multimeter set to 200 VAC and My tank was displaying between 20-22 on my mutimeter. However it seems as if ALL my equipment is creating volts. I would unplug a heater it would decrease from 22 down to 19, then I unplugged a powerhead, that reduced it...
  4. jwhiteuwc

    Grounding probe with GFI... More harm then good?

    What do you guys think about this: Is this true:
  5. jwhiteuwc

    Tangs Dying, rest of fish, inverts and Coral are happy

    I really wish I would have posted earlier too. HOwever, leaving on vacation and then coming home to something unexpected is rather disturbing. Something always happens when I'm on vacation.... I'm sad to say, My yellow tang passed away last night. :-( I do have Nori sheets and Garlic extract...
  6. jwhiteuwc

    Tangs Dying, rest of fish, inverts and Coral are happy

    My Hippo tang died somewhat like this, but more or less it looked like his rib-cage was showing like he was losing weight. He seemed to loose color for about 1 week and then just died. Now with my Yellow tang it came on very fast. I noticed just before I left for vacation for 5 days that he...
  7. jwhiteuwc

    Tangs Dying, rest of fish, inverts and Coral are happy

    What % chance to you think he has of living? I can place him in a QT with treatment and all I have is maracyn-two [hr] on hand.
  8. jwhiteuwc

    Tangs Dying, rest of fish, inverts and Coral are happy

    Please flame away.. I feel the same way, I want to know WHY it's happening so I can correct it. Nitrates = 5 or less
  9. jwhiteuwc

    Tangs Dying, rest of fish, inverts and Coral are happy

    Thanks for the ideas... I'll see if I can get him to eat. I don't use flakes as the main source of food, but more or less if I'm gone for a day, they get food. I use my home made mix for the primary source which contains tons of algea and seaweed.
  10. jwhiteuwc

    Tangs Dying, rest of fish, inverts and Coral are happy

    I'm purchasing a Volt meter tomorrow to see if I can narrow down a voltage possiblity as my tank conditions tend to be very good. Beth, what are the chances of him leaving if I QT him? He's pretty far progressed,isn't he?
  11. jwhiteuwc

    Tangs Dying, rest of fish, inverts and Coral are happy

    O and the only other thing I have done in the last few weeks is cut off some mushrooms to give to a friend.
  12. jwhiteuwc

    Tangs Dying, rest of fish, inverts and Coral are happy

    Feed flakes in the morning (auto feeder) and then ground up home made mix in the evening.
  13. jwhiteuwc

    Tangs Dying, rest of fish, inverts and Coral are happy

    Picture 2. I know not to use nets, but do you think it's time to put him out of his pain? Picture 2 Yes, I have powerheads, nitrates are 5 or less. Air hose in the corner of the tank from a air pump. UPDATE: looks like HLLE dammmit!!! Why couldn't I have seen this in the first tang..... Is...
  14. jwhiteuwc

    Tangs Dying, rest of fish, inverts and Coral are happy

    Temp stays a constant 84, I could bump it down to 82. I have 2 heaters in this tank as one is used for backup and is set at 80. I've had these tangs for about 2 -3 years now. Diet consists of grinding up: Brown & green algea (sheets), brine shrimp, mysis shrimp, vitachem, garlic, silversides...
  15. jwhiteuwc

    Tangs Dying, rest of fish, inverts and Coral are happy

    About 3 weeks ago my hippo tang was hiding behind the rocks and breathing really heavy, the next day she died. Now today my Yellow tang is doing the same thing and I'm guessing by morning will be dead (even if a QT her) She is looking really bad. White lips, breathing heavy... I'm guessing...
  16. jwhiteuwc

    Tangs Dying, rest of fish, inverts & Coral are happy

    About 3 weeks ago my hippo tang was hiding behind the rocks and breathing really heavy, the next day she died. Now today my Yellow tang is doing the same thing and I'm guessing by morning will be dead (even if a QT her) She is looking really bad. White lips, breathing heavy... I'm guessing...
  17. jwhiteuwc

    Shrooms & Polyps up for trade

    ---bump [hr]
  18. jwhiteuwc

    Shrooms & Polyps up for trade

    Lakeshore. Manitowoc area.
  19. jwhiteuwc

    Shrooms & Polyps up for trade

    P.S. I'm willing to ship if needed. Being that these guys are hardy, one could probably even do 2 day, but only if purchaser agrees.