Search results

  1. jwhiteuwc

    Shrooms & Polyps up for trade

    Hello, I have ton of these striped shrooms and a few Star Polyps and some brown polyps up for trade. Pictures are found here: Double click to display a larger image.Pictures here Will trade for anything (besides the same thing of course ) email me at: if you're...
  2. jwhiteuwc

    Canister or No canister?

    55gallon current setup is Fish with Mushrooms, polyps, etc.. nothing to hard to keep.
  3. jwhiteuwc

    Canister or No canister?

    So, I was thinking of upgrading to a Fluval 405, but I've read and read things that are good about canister filters and things that are bad. So this is an easy question, do I canister or don't I? Currenlty have a generic hang on the back filter that came with the tanks. Nothing fancy, something...
  4. jwhiteuwc

    Pumps??? What size would I need?

    Wow, sounds like a need to do some more research :) Maybe I'll just make it a return system and have the pump in my premixed saltwater container to start with :-) Thanks for the info.
  5. jwhiteuwc

    Pumps??? What size would I need?

    I'm looking for a pump to push water about 10-15feet. when looking at pumps, what do I look for so that I can purchase the correct pump? I see something that says, "Max Head 21ft" is that the distance it can push water? Any info would be great! Makes models would help to. I'm looking to...
  6. jwhiteuwc

    Sump on Different floor...possible?

    Thanks for the thread. I searched around, but it never pulled this thread up. Again...thanks! Maybe I was just searching for the wrong words :-)
  7. jwhiteuwc

    Sump on Different floor...possible?

    Hello, Is it possilbe to have a sump on a say the basement level of a home and the Tank on the main level of a home? Anybody accomplish this? If so, what sort of pump did you use? I'm just looking to simplify the adding and removing of water during water changes. I'd like to be able to keep...
  8. jwhiteuwc

    Stands and Canopies

    Anydody know of a good place to purchase Oak/unstained or stained Stands and Canopies? Looking for internet places only. Or if you live in the Wisconsin area and now of a good dealer, I'll take that too. Thanks!
  9. jwhiteuwc

    55 Gallon Stocking, how many is to many?

    Nope you read right, I just spoke wrong. All expect the hippo tang, he's relatively new :-) I'd say 6-8 months. I understood when buying him that he needs a bigger tank. The question is IS My tank really overstocked?
  10. jwhiteuwc

    55 Gallon Stocking, how many is to many?

    You really think I'm overstocked now? It it only because of the hippo tang? Currenlty this guy is only about 1 inch or a little more he's a baby. When he gets about 3-4 inches I'm going to sell him to my friend. I guess I don't see that I'm overstocked, but then this is only my opionion and...
  11. jwhiteuwc

    What is my Anemone Doing? What is that?

    Seriously? :jumping: :jumping: :joy:
  12. jwhiteuwc

    What is my Anemone Doing? What is that?

    I was gazing at my tank yesterday and noticed that my new bulb anemone (2 days in my tank) was expelling something from his mouth. He then curled up for 2 hours and is now doing fine. Although today he is fine (he moved around a bit) I'd like to know if this is a good or bad thing. So is this...
  13. jwhiteuwc

    Qtank for Gobie Firefish purple 5 gallon enough?

    "monitor water quality well cause its gonna fluctuate a lot!" thats what ultimitly made me deceide to go with the 10 gallon. At least with the 10 gallon I have some leeway. Thanks again everyone!!! Until next time :-)
  14. jwhiteuwc

    Is my Anemone's Foot Bad? Pic

    Thanks Thomas. I'm going to take the Sebea back. I only paid $15 for him so if they don't take him back I'll just give it to them. Thanks everyone!
  15. jwhiteuwc

    Qtank for Gobie Firefish purple 5 gallon enough?

    I'll be picking up a Purple Firefish Gobie today and wanna put him in a Qtank for 2 weeks to make sure he doesn't have any parasites. Would a 5 gallon be adequte for this guy for 2 weeks? I also have a 10 gallon if needed, but would like to use the 5 gallon if possible, but don't wanna risk the...
  16. jwhiteuwc

    Is my Anemone's Foot Bad? Pic

    Attached is a pic of him in the morning. Looks all curled up. It could be because I handled him yesterday or do you think he's declining? Note this is in the morning with the lights shut off for 12 hours already. I guess I'd like to know the signs of him deing so I can get him out of the tank...
  17. jwhiteuwc

    55 Gallon Stocking, how many is to many?

    Thanks! For the compatability issue. I forgot about that.
  18. jwhiteuwc

    Is my Anemone's Foot Bad? Pic

    I can try that, but is his foot bad or damaged? If so isn't the chance of survival slim to none?
  19. jwhiteuwc

    Is my Anemone's Foot Bad? Pic

    Thanks! Please keep the suggestions coming. If he's going to die, I'd rather get rid of him before he clowds my tank.
  20. jwhiteuwc

    55 Gallon Stocking, how many is to many?

    I've heard that the Hippo may outgrow the tank at sometime and as soon as I see him stressed and to big for the tank and friend is willing to adopt him into his 175gallon :-) Thanks for your input.