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  1. pufferuk

    thx for that i needed to no that becuse i dont have that much clearence and i have looke dat another thread and i am going to upgrade my tank size to 36x15x12 for added height creating a more netural effect and i am going to use to 2xSHO Or 2x no tubes THX ALOT ALL WHO HAVE POSTED I WILL MAKE...
  2. pufferuk

    is your life dedicated to fish becuse i have 2 dedications my fish and my pc and website building heres mine just wondering:)
  3. pufferuk

    no metal halides need to be hung above the tank or are they normally under the tank lid :)
  4. pufferuk

    i have a 90x30x30 cm tank that i am hoping to convert from freshwater to marine i am going to add lots of LR and LS with power heads to circulate the water i was wondering this: i am 14 with low funds obviously and was planning on buying base or sometimes called uncured rock which is alot...
  5. pufferuk

    Mantis Shrimp

    i have amantis shrimp once when i didnt no much about them untill a 10.5 inch crack appeared and put a little hole in my glass when a fish bugged it. i had to repair the gap where water was geetting though :)
  6. pufferuk

    Post Your Rare Fish Pics

    ye your tank makes the fish look even more better than they already are the angrl and wrasse look in very good condition keep up the good work :)
  7. pufferuk

    thx 4 all your help much appreciated:)
  8. pufferuk

    hi im new to the bpard i have wanted to move into marine keeping 4 ages i just wanted to no: when adding a salt mix to regular tap water i.e instant oceon do u have to add sumthing aswell like aquasafe for freshwater aquariums but amarine type or does salt mixes ok sry for any inconvienece:)
  9. pufferuk

    Mantis Shrimp

    when mantis srimps get to nearly thier full size potential about 10-12 inches long they may break the quarium glass becuse of thier power and strength. Normally happens when agitated i.e water changes Fishermen have anickname for them "thumbspitters" i would definetly not suggest putting your...
  10. pufferuk

    Anyone Else From Uk?

    im from the uk (Nottingham) but am quite new to the kool reff hobby but have keep loads of pufferfish could u plz tell my the expression for LFS sry for my newness but i have to learn sum where:)
  11. pufferuk

    low budget light system

    anemones in genral need a lot of ight but a few possible aneomes u could keep are mushrooms coral and bubble aeone that require average light levels hope this helps:)
  12. pufferuk

    Post Your Rare Fish Pics

    i noticed in this threda trojan44 u have a cool angel and i love the lighting effect u have used would u plz be able to tell me what u used p.s i would be really grateful :)
  13. pufferuk

    could u also tell me the meanng of NO VHO and PC and the average price range thx a lot all the ppl who have posted loads of help thx :) if u like freswtare puffs by the way u could look at my site for info
  14. pufferuk

    hi i am qite new to the board about 3 days ago i joined (love it by the way). i already no a few expressions LR LS FO like these i no that MHis a metal halide and i was wondering that this type of ligting is normally hung over the tank and rarely help above the water by brackets becuase of the...
  15. pufferuk

    thx for your info i have read and heard from alot of ppl that in a LR system and LS system powerheads are QUITE important becuse they turn the water over and stop dead stots do u no any thing about this: p.s could i use the fuvals to circulate the water Fluvals are quite vigouroius filters...
  16. pufferuk

    A "How To Set Up..." Page on

    thx all who posted sites to look at they are realykool and are helping me to start up my marine tank
  17. pufferuk

    jimi i was only yrying to say that i no the basic stuff about marine fishkeeping i.e about diffent filteration methods feeding i would no more if u decided to help me and not intimadate me :(
  18. pufferuk

    hi i currently have a 20 gal 90x30x30 cm aquarium that used to have freshwater puffers in i was wondering by doing the listed things below i could convert it into a FISH ONLY marine aquarium: add a protein skimmer (rated for aquariums double my tank size) i alreday have 2x fluval 3 plus filters...