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  1. salt.mama

    Can anyone I.D. this?

    This is at my local pet store. I was wondering if anyone knew what it was, no one there did.
  2. salt.mama

    my first fish

    I have a 14 gal bio-cube ,it has been set up for 3 monthsand I got my first fish yesterday,a false perc clown, I was just looking at him and I think he might have ich, he has small white spots .I never noticed them until now. what kind of medicine should i get for him? Thanks to anyone who can...
  3. salt.mama

    Photos of your dogs

    BY my name is a picture of my wire haired dachshound , he turned 1 this month, the only way my husband would lrt me keep him was if he could name him , so this is Norbert, I guess the name fits!
  4. salt.mama

    14 gallon biocube

    I have a 14 gal bio-cube ,that is almost 3 months old, i have already had to replace the LEDs .My fans also make noise,OCEANIC replaced my LEDs, with no questions asked and I also found out how to take the top completely off, its so much easier to work on this way . I sent you a PM .Im glad to...
  5. salt.mama

    ID please

    that looks like the stuff that came out of my mushrooms mouth yesterday after a water change, do you have mushrooms?
  6. salt.mama


    thanks ! I sure hope so.
  7. salt.mama


    i have 1 mushroom ,after a water change alittle bit ago , i noticed it was a little wrinkly looking and like where its mouth is a long white thin looking thing is something wrong with it ? i hope its ok! thnks for any thoughts!
  8. salt.mama

    Xenia for trade or sell

    hi! i am in wv to near clarksburg ,where is falling waters?Glad to hear from other reefers in wv
  9. salt.mama

    dust in my water?

    the last 2 days i have noticed what looks like dust mixing around in my water i have no annonia ,no nitrites corals all seam ok except the small frogspawn ,it looks like some of it is comming off ive not had it aweek yet!any help thanks!!
  10. salt.mama

    frogspawn help!

    thanks for the info, it is begining to worry me because it isnt very big to begin with, but it was kinda costly
  11. salt.mama

    Green colt

    oh! its beautiful! i would love a small one but shipping would probil kill me!
  12. salt.mama

    looking for frags

    thats sorry
  13. salt.mama

    looking for frags

    I tried to PM you but it wont let me (says it cant find you) maybe i did something wrong. Here is my email address salt.mama@hotmail,com thanks
  14. salt.mama

    looking for frags

    sounds good and i dont care to start out with small frags ,the favia is awesome i like it ,im sure you can tell i am knew to this hobby BUT totally hooked! are all of these easy for a beginner? do you have any green star polyps?I cant wait to see what you have!!!!! thanks
  15. salt.mama

    looking for frags

    thanks for the info Kerri ann ,im very seldom out of wv i am so adicted to this hobby but i cant hardly find anything around here
  16. salt.mama

    looking for frags

    i love kenya trees, mushrooms , palys, any kind of polps ,im not sure what a favia is .how much per frag? would love to see them all. my husband sometimes works in calirornia penn , but not sure how often
  17. salt.mama

    looking for frags

    first of all how long of adrive would it be from bridgeport ihave a 14 gl biocube and i have 1very small frag of frogspawn,1 red mushroom,1 small colt coral and1 small rock with about 10 button polyps i am pretty much looking for everything that i can afford .i paid 30.00apeice for every peice i...
  18. salt.mama

    frogspawn help!

    i have a 14 gal bio cube just the lights that came with it, it isslightly lower than the middle of my tank and it gets some flow but not the strongest i can put on it
  19. salt.mama

    frogspawn help!

    my tank is 2 and a half months old i have a small frag of frogspawn in it, ihave only had it 3 days and it doesnt look like its opening up all the way or maybe it is and i wouldnt know it could somthing be wrong my water is ok any help please and thank you
  20. salt.mama

    looking for frags

    A Thrice was wondering if you still are interested in selling frags?If so was wondering about your prices, could you let me know. thanks