Search results

  1. scav1180

    FS. 48" Orbit Power Compact Lighting System

    Are these lights still available? Shipping still 10? plus 125 for lights?
  2. scav1180

    100 pounds of FUGI LIVEROCK MUST GO!!! and FISH

    Did your rocks ever get lively again or still dead looking?
  3. scav1180

    Can I Use Playsand In My Tank? I Have Heard That I Ca, But What Kind????

    I think if you do a search they have lots of info on this.. I'm using about 50lbs of sand from home depot and 40 lbs of live sand from LFS.. of course I didn't use all 50 but it looked like I did. I just cleaned the heck out of it for couple days. let it soak around and cleaned again before...
  4. scav1180

    Replacing crushed coral with LS & LR

    1-2 lb per gallon for live rock. I could be wrong.. Live sand, i have about 2-3 inches.. I head something about 1lb per gallon.. also however deep you want it to be. If you also search you'll find tons of info, thats what i've been doing..
  5. scav1180

    moving 60 gallon tank..

    Update.. Moved tank over. Tank is 80 gallon not a 60 gallon. will be measuring again to dbl check. right now i just have the filters running. I had 3 brand new penguin 350 filters sitting around for my other tank so I put another filter in. Brand new filter. So i currently have 1 emperor 400...
  6. scav1180

    moving 60 gallon tank..

    Okay so far, just to make sure.. Setup up tank, Put in Live Rock Fill up tank with water.. have extra salt water on hand in case im short.. prob pick up about 15 gallons from fish store. Run Filter let it cycle? Test water? Don't put fish in yet? Did i tell you guys im new to salt water.. so...
  7. scav1180

    moving 60 gallon tank..

    hmm.. I heard about the newspaper thing somewhere.. I will try that.. After I fully setup should I get like a clean up crew or anything?
  8. scav1180

    moving 60 gallon tank..

    South bay.
  9. scav1180

    moving 60 gallon tank..

    Hello.. Just want to see if im on the right track so far.. Tomorrow i'll be moving my uncles salt water tank over to my house. The drive will be about 20 mins 1 way. So drive isn't far at all. 15 minutes if traffic is light. Stuff I have right now for move. 2 30 gallon tubs w/ lid. 1 tub for...
  10. scav1180

    Just saying hello..

    I'm new to Saltwater and I hope to learn a lot through this site and a lot of other sources.. I won't ask any questions until I can't find it under search.. but im sure i'll ask here and there. well hope to gain a lot from you guys/girls. whichever.