Search results

  1. scav1180

    Need 48" light

    What kind of lighting? I have 48" 4x65 pc lighting.
  2. scav1180

    stuff for sale in ohio

    still not here...
  3. scav1180

    stuff for sale in ohio

    still waiting on my reactor.. mailman taking forever..
  4. scav1180

    stuff for sale in ohio

  5. scav1180

    stuff for sale in ohio

    thanks for answering my questions.. I'll be pp you $30.00 shortly..
  6. scav1180

    stuff for sale in ohio

    Also the salifert KH test/CA test, how much has it been used.. thanks!
  7. scav1180

    stuff for sale in ohio

    cool. i'll take it. paypal? How much media is left and what pump is the one included.. Thanks!
  8. scav1180

    stuff for sale in ohio

    two little fish phosban reactor 150? if so how much shipped to 90247.
  9. scav1180

    stuff for sale in ohio

    TLF reactor? pictures? how long used.
  10. scav1180

    CPR overflow box

    sorry to piggyback off this topic but I was researching on sumps and finally got an idea what im doing.. since its on CPR overflows.. I'll be looking in to getting a cpr100 with a mag9. the sump will be a 20 or 30g tank. Instead of going under the tank it'll be on the right side of the tank...
  11. scav1180


    They will go away with time. So don't worry. Just use less light but with time it'll go away. Try not to turn the sand too much. Just leave it be.
  12. scav1180

    Algae Question

    Originally Posted by Kevin R. Nassarius and Turbo. Got my crew from SWF in one of there janitor packages. the algae will go away with time.. trying going without lights for couple days.. but with time the green algae will disappear. try feeding less.. skip a day maybe..
  13. scav1180

    Cyno Problem

    Originally Posted by kroch3rd I have a 75g tank that has been set up for 6 months. I have started to see patches of cyno on my sand. Can i just siphon those parts out. the reason i think i got it was because i didn't clean my protein skimmer and nutreints bulit up but now its fixed. So my...
  14. scav1180

    liverock from LFS....

    Originally Posted by grumpygils How big is your tank and how many lbs of rock? Does the rock smell? If it is not cured. At worse case, I would thoroughly rinse the rock (shake) in a separate salt water bucket before putting in. IMO Mc I currently have 40-50lbs of rock in my...
  15. scav1180

    liverock from LFS....

    I have a LFS I go to get my supplies and they have a seperate tank for live rock that is always submerged under water. Will I be okay to take that rock and put it in right away into my tank or would I have to put it in a seperate container for awhile? My tank has been up and running for about a...
  16. scav1180

    Hot married woman looking for group sex!

    LOL this person created an account on my forum and I banned her IP.. funny seeing it over here.. LOL
  17. scav1180

    FS. 48" Orbit Power Compact Lighting System

    Yeah I am interested in the lights.. Is it possible to see pictures.. Anything wrong with the lights.. What bulbs? Can you send pictures to... J p a k 1 1 2 6 at h o t m a i l c o m Thanks That's if lights still avail..
  18. scav1180

    FS. 48" Orbit Power Compact Lighting System

    if it falls through, I am interested in the lights..