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  1. kungfugrip

    My diamond goby

    Originally Posted by big Sorry you lost them. My first thought would be starvation in a newer system. A new GB would live on pods till he learned to eat other things which takes time. Once a 150 has aged with a good amount of Live Rock in the tank a DG should be fine. Although mine is a real...
  2. kungfugrip

    My diamond goby

    Unfortunately I had the same experience : ( I bought a pair for my 150... I loved them!! Probably my favorite fish to watch. Then one went missing... then the other. I thought my Brittle Star got the first one but then he showed up decomposed. A week later... the second went missing and hasnt...
  3. kungfugrip

    Yellow Tang vs Goat Fish

    Well tonight I picked up a Goat fish... put him in the tank and the tang was after him!! Anyone experienced this before? The yellow tang had been very shy up to this point. Well I know one thing... he doesnt like Goat Fish! Chased him non stop everywhere... once I figured out it wasnt gonna stop...
  4. kungfugrip

    Lesson learned the hard way: A story of murder and deceit

    Originally Posted by ophiura If they are new fish, it is also a good idea to leave the door open to the fact they died for some other reason, and the brittle was cleaning them up. I'm not saying the brittlestar is not predatory - they ARE - but I am also saying we blame them for a lot of things...
  5. kungfugrip

    Lesson learned the hard way: A story of murder and deceit

    Originally Posted by DaisyWB You, sarastic? Nevah! HAHAHA... Why you! At least I dont move to Florida and cause my fish to commit suicide!!
  6. kungfugrip

    Lesson learned the hard way: A story of murder and deceit

    Originally Posted by ophiura Yes, they are KNOWN predators in the wild. They must be kept very well fed. It will not prevent a problem for sure, but I guarantee a hungry star will eat. But I will ask a few questions, because they are also scavengers that are often blamed for nothing. I do find...
  7. kungfugrip

    Lesson learned the hard way: A story of murder and deceit

    A cautionary tale about taking peoples word for it. Well you know how people say... "Dont believe everything you read"... well in this case... I should have believed it. Green brittle star fish (serial fish killer): "One species in common use warrants a statutory warning. This is the Green...
  8. kungfugrip

    Goby question

    I have a Diamond goby... he burrows in the sand every night. But never has sand on him while out. If he looks stuck... help him out. If he is just hanging out... nothing to worry about.
  9. kungfugrip

    Diamond Goby!!!

    Wow.. this thread DOES keep going. So far so good... these guys dont stop. Tunnels... mountains...rescaping... dont really care... I can watch these guys all day... they are highly entertaining.
  10. kungfugrip

    Diamond Goby!!!

    I dont have a camera here right now but thats exactly what they look like. I have read about the jumping thing... in fact they both almost jumped out when I put them in. Then they decided to go to work... they havent stopped yet. I need to leave... but I cant stop watching them!! They weren't...
  11. kungfugrip

    Diamond Goby!!!

    Originally Posted by bill109 how much? i want a pair for my 90.. $42 for a large pair at my LFS.
  12. kungfugrip

    Diamond Goby!!!

    Well I was having a bit of a problem with some dirty sand... read some posts and decided to go get two Diamond Gobies for my 150. All I can say is WOW!! WOW!!! These guys cleaned up my sand within 2 hours!! Pretty amazed... and they look pretty cool too.
  13. kungfugrip

    Turbo Twist UV Help?

    Originally Posted by cveverly For parasites they recommend 110 gph on the 18W and 290 gph on the 36 watt unit. The size of the tank does not matter, it is all about the time the water is exposed to the light. General usage is 240 gph on the 18w and 680 gph on the 36 watt. Thanks for the...
  14. kungfugrip

    Turbo Twist UV Help?

    Tried this in another part of the forum without luck : ( Hey All, First I am very much a newb lol... however after much research I have decided to buy a Turbo Twist UV. Mainly to help with parasite control in my 150 FOWLR tank. Yes I have read the pros and cons and what it will and wont do : )...
  15. kungfugrip

    Turbo Twist UV Help?

    Bump Bump Bump
  16. kungfugrip

    Turbo Twist UV Help?

    Hey All, First I am very much a newb lol... however after much research I have decided to buy a Turbo Twist UV. Mainly to help with parasite control in my 150 FOWLR tank. Yes I have read the pros and cons and what it will and wont do : ) Have a few questions: 1.My tank is 150 gallons and...
  17. kungfugrip

    New Guy. New Tank. New Hobby : )

    Originally Posted by Raccoon Looks good so far! I have a 150 also. I would get about another 50 pounds of rock to help your fish out and filter the water too. Try and find uncure rock which is way cheaper and just cure it yourself which takes a few weeks. I would also get 2 more pumps for...
  18. kungfugrip

    New Guy. New Tank. New Hobby : )

    Thanks guys... I'm definitely going to get some more rock. Been looking online as we speak
  19. kungfugrip

    New Guy. New Tank. New Hobby : )

    Thanks will do. Any suggestions on a first fish?
  20. kungfugrip

    New Guy. New Tank. New Hobby : )

    Originally Posted by NigerBang Looking good although, I wouldnt add anything else for a month or more.. Thanks man! U mean a month total right? Or another month? I was planning on addng a fish or twoaround the 6 week mark.