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  1. beachlife

    Damn Serpent !!!

    WOW nice post ophiura. Your 100% right.... These animals are goin to do what they do in nature and there is nothing we can do to stop that....... One of my serpent stars is very agressive twards my fish... It can never catch anything but it sits on the highest ledge in my tank and ocassially...
  2. beachlife

    saturday 12fer!!!

    how much did you pay for it???
  3. beachlife

    Now this thing is a trip!!!

    Wow...... I would love to know myself... It looks like it is stuck on the glass..... It swims? Its really cool... keep it..:D I have to do some research and find out what this is.... cool what ever it is sweetreef john
  4. beachlife

    saturday 12fer!!!

    WOW!... the last one is awesome... they all are!!! How big is the one in pic#12? Nice zoos! john
  5. beachlife

    Bare Bottom Reef Tank?

    No bare bottom tanks are fine.... Some time fish waste gets trapped in the sand and if left un-noticed it can decopose and fowl your water..... I ran my tank (29gal) bare bottom for a while but I eventually wanted sand for my crabs... Some people are against BB tanks because they look...
  6. beachlife

    Damn Serpent !!!

    wow..... I'm sorry about your duster man.... I have not really heard too much about serpent stars eating somthin like that..... But I guess the duster was there and the serpent was hungry.... That little [hr] !! John.
  7. beachlife

    new tank need LR

    I just bought a new 250gal tank yesterday...... I got the filtration system, lighting and skimmer along with a stand for around $700.00 A saltwater fish dealer I used to buy off of is going out of buisness..... A couple of the MH bulbs are broke but I am happy with my purchase.. Well here I am...
  8. beachlife

    what is it?

    spaghetti worms are good to have... they cleanup bad stuff.:D So are bristle worms.... They had to have got into your tank hichhiking in your LR.... Did you dig these worms up with your hands?!?!?! If they are bristle worms they can give you a nasty sting... watch yourself.. john.
  9. beachlife

    half dead brain

    Doesnt sound "dead" just a little stressed maybe... can you post a pic? john.
  10. beachlife

    woohoo! 'nother coral ID!

    yes... acropora possibly.. NICE PEICE! john.:joy:
  11. beachlife

    DE MH bulbs color?

    Ok I beleive i miss uderstood the original post.... Your right! lol...... i got the impression mujtba was using mostly just blue actinics.... john..
  12. beachlife

    Is my blue starfish dead??

    scray, sorry but I would remove him.... linkias need large mature tanks like just about everyone has said in this thread.... sorry john.
  13. beachlife

    PC lighting

    Well I understand what your mean the rocks and substrate displaces alot of the water..... The watt per gallon rule refers to the tanks capaccity and not to the water volume... PC lighting is great for the softies like you mentioned... Although I would not add the harder corals without...
  14. beachlife

    DE MH bulbs color?

    The "Blue Look" is really more for "your" benifit than the corals...<<< Sorry squidd I have to disagree with you there..... The blue (actinic) benifit the corals alot... Espesially with talller tanks. the blue (higher end of the spectrum) penetrates more deeply in sea water..... They are also...
  15. beachlife

    woohoo! 'nother coral ID!

    not an oregon but a blue tort maybe....
  16. beachlife

    live rock color

    Yes I agree with Klearstar.. Some of the "hichhikers" will not live in the closed system of an aquarium no matter what.... Keep adding Iodine and Calcium.... With proper lighting and you should be good... Coralife make a nuber of Marine trace element supliments that support the growth of...
  17. beachlife

    live rock color

    Hi John...... lol my names john too.... It is natural for LR too lose its color overtime and the "living" parts of the rock will come and go.... Your LFS seems to be leading you down the path. Iodine and calcium are benificial marine trace elements. And n reef and in many cases FO tanks the...
  18. beachlife

    PH problem need help!

    Oh and yes I beleive I have used the PRIME plus before aswell works great..... Once again good luck with your tank...
  19. beachlife

    PH problem need help!

    I agree.... sounds like your overstocked. To bad you cant post a pic so someone here can make that judgement 4 you....... If all your fish are dead your corals are probably not doing well they may soon turn dull in color, close up or may even die off.... Inverts such as corals are far more...
  20. beachlife

    My Monthly Tank Pic

    oh and yes I agree..... my sea apples in both of my tanks have been doing great......