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  1. moonbeam

    MY 72 gal bow

    Well its a fresh water tank now it crashed on me 2 times and this and that went hay wire so its fresh going to put live plants and brix in it well see .em
  2. moonbeam

    Uodated* 20 long planteddd =)

    what substrate and lighting do you use do you add anything to your water?
  3. moonbeam

    150 Upgrade

    i thought you could not have 2 mands in the same tank??
  4. moonbeam


    so what kind of lighting and substrate are all of you uesing on your plant tanks
  5. moonbeam

    My New 240 gallon rack with 90 sump

    nice is this in your house or at a store? looks like your off to good start.
  6. moonbeam

    72 gal to 150 gal upgrade

    Love the tank has a lot of the same as my friends tank i think it needs more rics.....nice upgrade.i also love the black sand thow i have never seen it in in a tank in person. are there any down sides to useing it just in case i go 125 from my 72:)
  7. moonbeam

    Putting Faces to the Names

    Attachment 202594
  8. moonbeam

    MY 72 gal bow

    Well i think ti looks nice adds to the stand thanks guys Attachment 202587 Attachment 202589
  9. moonbeam

    My Ricordea Tank....

    nice rics going to start on mine as soon as i get new lights
  10. moonbeam

    MY 72 gal bow

    also im going to get black back ground when i go out today ill post pix when i get some
  11. moonbeam

    MY 72 gal bow

    its marineland i got it whole sale pd like 500 for tank stand canopy wish i would have got the reef ready the stand was made for t and the co sells them but thats how we learn
  12. moonbeam

    MY 72 gal bow

    Thanks I love my stainless steel look but it scratches buddy knocked the light off the tank and put some nice gouges in it. As for the lights they suck at the time the back fixture is a 48 inch coral life half 10k and half 50/50 65weach , front is an odyssey 32 inch fixture with one...
  13. moonbeam

    14 Gallon BioCube

    WOW!! You need to live near me so you can help me out. you have some of the nicest pix,
  14. moonbeam

    MY 72 gal bow

    and then Attachment 202297 Attachment 202298 Attachment 202299 Attachment 202300
  15. moonbeam

    MY 72 gal bow

    I started this tank in Feb.of this year after I got a 37 gal in december and need a bigger tank. Its not much and I did have a cucumber? that was on a rock i got from a local selling out that died and killed off most of my tank.that was fun:) Attachment 202292 Attachment 202293 Attachment...
  16. moonbeam

    Newbie's 20G

    I just started out in december,like most have told you everyone has there own opp in saltwater tanks. Its the truth each one of us has a diffrent set up and no one can say what will die and what will live for the most part. basicaly you will buy what you want take in all the advice keep what you...
  17. moonbeam

    CPR overflow box

    do you have a pic of your box set up salty blues
  18. moonbeam

    Zoo frags and aussie acan frags.

    sent email thanks
  19. moonbeam

    Zoo frags and aussie acan frags.

    i would like one of 1,2,and 3 i live in 28574 i dont know how to check shiping im new at this can you help me out dont happen 2 have a extra 4:)
  20. moonbeam

    WTB: Protein Skimmer

    i have a corallife skimmer its a 65 im getting a diffrent set up i only have had it 3 months