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  1. jim417mx

    More Problems...

    Well the lfs said do a 50% water change so I did one and the water is alot clearer, and the ammonia level went down drastically. With this in mind, should I just put the damsel back in there and let it cycle until the water tests ok?
  2. jim417mx

    More Problems...

    Honestly, do you guys think it would be better if I started the tank over and washed everything? Now I know what I did wrong, And this time I will actually have patience and not move too fast because thats what I did.
  3. jim417mx

    More Problems...

    Sorry its 55 gallon with a whisper filter, no live rock or sand , just normal crushed coral for the bottom. I really dont know much about my water, the guy at the fish store tested it and said the nitrates, nitrites, and everything was good, he said just the ammonia was high. Could I possibly be...
  4. jim417mx

    More Problems...

    Well lets just say having a saltwater tank is harder then it looks. I had my tank cycling for about a month with a blue and a domino damsel and everything was fine, water was perfect and the ammonia was a little high (due to well water i think) I put a butterfly in there from ***** and he lasted...
  5. jim417mx

    Putting Faces to the Names

    I'm always the young one but heres me, my 86 iroc camaro, and my life - racing motocross.
  6. jim417mx

    Beth, here's a pic

    Amazing looking fish, I cant wait til my tanks fully cycled , I'm definitly adding a tang.
  7. jim417mx

    Threadfin Butterly black spot

    Oh, thanks... dont I look dumb
  8. jim417mx

    Threadfin Butterly black spot

    Yea the lights were off, and the spot is about 2 inches in diameter.
  9. jim417mx

    Threadfin Butterly black spot

    Hey guys help me out, I have seen this on here before, but i tried the search for a half hour and nothing came up. I purchased a threadfin butterfly and he has been in the tank for about a week. He was perfect at 7:00 when i left my house, then I get back home at 9 and hes got a black/grey spot...
  10. jim417mx

    Threadfin Butterfly messing with clown

    I have had a threadfin butterfly in a tank with a domino damsel and a yellow tailed damsel with no problems at all. Then today I went and bought a clown and a choc chip starfish, and the butterfly has been nipping at them all day so I finally seperated them. Should I get rid of the butterfly or...
  11. jim417mx

    4 SALE! VERY Used 55 Gallon Setup

    EDIT: Thanks, I'll call you tomorrow.