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  1. manycolors

    Reflecting the light?

    I read a lot on on this forum, more than i actually write, and i can not say i have seen a post on this topic, now either i am over thinking this, making a fool of myself or just missing all the posts that have to do with this..... does glass between the lights on an aquarium effect the...
  2. manycolors

    What have i done?

    Thank you guys so much for the help, i have re-calculated how long i've had the tank, just over 6 months now. the dementions of the tank are kinda wierd, its a 50 gal. but it's like 29WX18LX22H i know those arent exact numbers but it will give you a rough idea, i bought the nova extreme 24in...
  3. manycolors

    What have i done?

    do i have to worry about anything from the bags effecting the water?
  4. manycolors

    What have i done?

    I have had a tank for about 5 months maybe? i used to use strait well water, because i was short on money and i was just barely getting by, but now that schools out i can work full time, anyway, i just bought an RO/DI system and a nova extreme 4X24. i have 2 clowns and a shrimp and i want to get...
  5. manycolors

    ------- site t5HO's

    sorry, i didn't read.... it looks really good, i think i'm going to start saving for these bulbs. keep me updated on how they are if you don't mind.... also, do they get hot??
  6. manycolors

    ------- site t5HO's

    What kind are these? about how much were they?
  7. manycolors

    Help!!!! My Fishes are dying!

    It wouldn't hurt to test for stray voltage
  8. manycolors

    I have some new Rock, now what??

    One of my friends had about 20lbs of rock he had sitting in his garage for months and he gave me the bucket. The rock was live at one time (there full of colors) but it's all surely dead, it's been sitting dry for months now, if i wash the rock good as well as scrub it well, would i be able to...
  9. manycolors

    Freshwater baths

    I had a clown fish that was sick and i did the bath... THE BATH- i have read that this procedure is harmless to the fish but i'm sure there are other people who will feel differently. When i did the bath, what i did was i got a 2 gal. bucket and put one gallon of fresh ro/di water in the bucket...
  10. manycolors

    Bloody nose!?

    I have a picture,, how do i post it?
  11. manycolors

    Bloody nose!?

    Thr ed bump has now turned into a white bump and i think is slowly getting worse... He has not eaten in the past couple days, he is just sitting on the bottom and he started breathing heavy last night! Help some one, any ideas?
  12. manycolors

    Bloody nose!?

    He has been eating very well and he is acting perfectly normal, It looks like it might be getting smaller just in the past 24 hours I'm no einstein when it comes to fish but it doesn't look infected, just red like it might be a scrape.... there is about 15lbs of live rock (adding more when...
  13. manycolors

    Bloody nose!?

    I have a tank about 4 months old and i just noticed that rite above the mouth of my clown fish (nose) it is swollen and on the sides of the bump it is red, I don't have a working camera rite now but i will try and get one if needed... i just want to know if anyone might have any idea what this...
  14. manycolors

    Are Bubbles A Bad Thing????

    coralife ss 65 55gal HOB 3 months old
  15. manycolors

    Are Bubbles A Bad Thing????

    lets say i have large amounts of "micro bubbles" what looks to be dust. my skimmer puts out very large amounts so i only turn it on for a few hours a day, what should i do? when the skimmer is off shouldn't the bubbles go away? since they aren't what should i do?
  16. manycolors

    Snowing tank?

    i do not have an alk test kit at this time, i should be able to get one soon. i do have a skimmer and as of now i have a canister filter? the one that pumps the water down below through a couple filter pads and some active carbon then back to the tank
  17. manycolors

    Snowing tank?

    also- i turned my skimmer off to make sure the are not micro bubbles, they have not gone away. I do have a 2 1/2in. gap at the back of my tank, is there a possibility it is a collection of dust? I also have been using water out of the well (i live in the country) so the water should be good but...
  18. manycolors

    Snowing tank?

    sorry for the late reply i just got home from work... 55 gal 2 false percs, 1 cleaner shrimp, couple mushrooms, 4 snails, and 2 hermits ph- 8.3 Am-0 nitrite-0 nitrate- 15 Calcium- 420 Salinity- 1.026 at this point in time this is all i have for testing. thanks for the help, i hope this is...
  19. manycolors

    Snowing tank?

    I have a tank about 3 months old now, and in the past week i have noticed what looks to be like tiny dust particles, or like snow in there, and it has been progressively getting worse, i'm curiouse if anyone knows what this is, any one have advice? thanks