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  1. manycolors

    Testing and reefing

    Question about the chart above....... lets say your calcium is 360 does that mean everything else is 0 or is that what you want everything to be.. sorry its a dumb question and i think i know the answer but i just want to know for a fact.... thanks
  2. manycolors

    I.D. PLease

    What do they eat? are they benificial? is there anything i should be aware of with them?
  3. manycolors

    Sleeping fish...

    Just curiouse, Do fish sleep?
  4. manycolors

    I.D. PLease

    I have a couple little stars in my tank, they are about 1/4in. big and some have 5 legs and some 6.... i only see them sometimes then there gone. sorry i can't get a picture rite now, i will later if one is needed Thanks
  5. manycolors

    Coralife skimmer Micro Bubbles

    Originally Posted by 98lude i have a CSS65 also. i find it will make the bubbles for a while until it sort of breaks in again. i noticed it also does the bubbles when i turn it back on after feedings. i took out the stuff in the bottom of the original bubble diffuser and replaced it with a...
  6. manycolors

    Coralife skimmer Micro Bubbles

    I have a thread posted with what sounds to be the same problem, accept i just perchased mine today, it seams like there are simply just to much water and bubbles coming out of the skimmer and they are overflowing the box and running into my water
  7. manycolors

    To Many Bubbles

    The water bubbles are coming from the output, that black container that collects the bubbles is "over flowing" and letting all the micro bubbles into the water
  8. manycolors

    To Many Bubbles

    I just baught a Coralife Protein skimmer and i have a TON of bubbles in my tank. i know that there is a break-in period but i was wondering what i can do to reduce the bubbles if anything... also, are too many bubble bad for the fish??
  9. manycolors

    Ghostly Clown Fish?

    Originally Posted by FishyGurl or it could be something with the tank, test your tank and see if anything is out of the norm? The first thing i did was check my conditions, but thanks for suggestiong it, it wouldn't be unlike me to over look something like that
  10. manycolors

    Ghostly Clown Fish?

    Originally Posted by cjworkman being a new tank, you might have caught a mantis shrimp in the live rock. I was unlucky enough to get 3 of them. They are extremely fast and hide, so you hardly ever see them. When you said the smaller fish was the one to disappear, it sounds like you could have a...
  11. manycolors

    Ghostly Clown Fish?

    No.... but why would that be a concern?
  12. manycolors

    Ghostly Clown Fish?

    My clean up crew: 3 nasserus, 2 blue leg hermit (about 1/4 in.) and 1 mexican turbo. It wouldn't bother me so much if i knew what happend to him, he simply just vanished! How long would it take a crew like i have to eat a fish like that? i wouldn't even think it was possible....
  13. manycolors

    Ghostly Clown Fish?

    I have had my tank about 2 months now and i started with one false percula and then about 2 weeks ago i added a smaller one to my tank.... i went out of town for 2 days and i came home and the smaller one was gone!!?? I don't have very much live rock in my tank (and plus i pulled it apart) so i...
  14. manycolors

    Lighting Substitute???

    Thanks for the idea, i think that will work... just curiouse, what about a flood light? or will that not fall into spectrum?
  15. manycolors

    Lighting Substitute???

    I have a couple mushrooms i have gotten recently, and as of rite now i am without my t5's.... i should have them in about a week. My mushrooms are suffering greatly without adiquet light... does anyone know of a cheap or make-it-yourself light i can get to limp them along for the next couple...
  16. manycolors

    Long Nosed Hawk Fish!

    oh thanks for that information, I think thier really cool, but if there going to snak on my other inverts i think i can get along without one
  17. manycolors

    Long Nosed Hawk Fish!

    I have heard a lot of positive things about the longnosed hawk fish, i am thinking about making it the next addition to my tank.... does anyone have one of these guys? anyone have anything to say about them? Positive or negitive? Thanks
  18. manycolors

    How much is too much light?

    I am probably not the best source for information reguarding this question, but imo as long as your temperture is not spuratic and your not having an algea problem more power to you! (i would like to see some pictures of this tank, sounds like a nice set up)
  19. manycolors

    New Mushrooms....

    I'm not sure what exactly they are, but a couple are purple and some green, i know that doesn't really narrow it down much but thats all i know about them. My friend had a ton of them growing in his tank so he just gave me a few, and since i'm new at this i want to make sure i'm not missing...
  20. manycolors

    New Mushrooms....

    I just got a couple mushrooms from a friend and i would like to know what i can do to keep them healthy? (addetives?)