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  1. manycolors

    Coming back to life?

    look any better? under VHO's (i dont have pc,it was a typo) we'll se what happens.... if it does get better
  2. manycolors

    Anomone changing color

    for all who care.....
  3. manycolors

    Coming back to life?

    i'll take another picture tonight after the lighting period, it tends to look a little "healthier"
  4. manycolors

    Stupid clown...

    i like both your responses. thanks for the help, i think i will try moving it and if she follows i guess i'll pull it out for a couple days
  5. manycolors

    Coming back to life?

    i'll try a pic...
  6. manycolors

    Anomone changing color

    not sure how to post one
  7. manycolors

    Coming back to life?

    If it makes a difference, i said PC, i ment VHO but i dont know if it makes a difference, i have the Nova extreme... i checked the alk. and my chart isn't very accurate, it just has a low, high and acceptable range. it tests in the acceptable range. this test kit should do until i get a better...
  8. manycolors

    Algae everywhere

    I will give my imput but thats all it is... I would turn the lighting period down a little bit, i don't have a MH but with just my VHO if i leave the lights on more that 8 hours my algea goes crazy, and i feed every other day, on the days i dont feed, i throw like 3 flakes in just for good...
  9. manycolors

    Anomone changing color

    I have a rose BTA that i bought about a month ago. so far so good, i think. when i bought the anemone the tenticles were redish like they should be and the body was a really light tan, not white but like tan. he has almost doubled his size since i added him. the tenticles are still the same...
  10. manycolors

    Coming back to life?

    I got an sps coral frag from a friend, i dont know much about sps but i "think" i know the basics. the piece he gave me was laying on the bottom of his tank and he said i probably couldn't save it but give it a try. the piece is about 4 in. long and has bout 2 branches off the main piece, and a...
  11. manycolors

    Stupid clown...

    I honestly dont look at any fish as stupid, i just wanted to get attention, so if i offened anyone i'm sorry. Any ways the reason for this post is, I have 2 clowns (false percs) and 3 anemone (1 rbta and 2 gbta), 1 torch coral and 1 frogspawn. and other stuff but thats irrelivant to my...
  12. manycolors

    Are these bad?? There are a lot...

    I have houndreds of little white moving specs about the size of a grain of sand on my glass, or even smaller.... are they bad? anyone know that they are?
  13. manycolors

    I have a problem....and I NEED help.

    after i have cut back the reasons for the growth, about how long until it starts to stop increasing and starts to decrease? hours? days? weeks? months? thank you for the help
  14. manycolors

    I have a problem....and I NEED help.

    I have been fighting this problem for about a week now. I think it is cyno or red slime (same thing?). it's black or deep purple and it's just getting worse..... I have shortened my lighting period, added flow, cut back on my feeding, continued my water changes and it's still getting worse. Any...
  15. manycolors

    ID this PLEASE

    50 gallon tank, 5 gal. water changes once a week, using RO/DI water, however i just started using ro water, my guess is about half the water in the tank is RO/DI
  16. manycolors

    ID this PLEASE

    thank you guys for the help, i have concluded theat it's red slime, i think i have been feeding to much and have impropor flow, i have ordered 2 new powerheads, cut the feading back and i'm cutting down on the time the lights are on.... i am going to see what a 3 day black out period will do...
  17. manycolors

    ID this PLEASE

    it's softer, how do i make it go away?
  18. manycolors

    ID this PLEASE

    I have a purpleish blueish algea? growing on my sand bed, its almost looks like mold... i will try to get pictures but if anyone has any ideas it would be great, thanks
  19. manycolors

    Is my shrimp ok?

    I have had this cleaner shrimp for about 4 months now and i just bought a yellow tang last week, so i put a couple algae sheets in there for the tang, and my shrimp went to town on them. now the past 3 days my shrimp has been sitting in the rocks and i haven't seem him come out at all, he used...
  20. manycolors

    Reflecting the light?

    so what is the best way to go about lighting? do you just leave the top of your tank open?