Search results

  1. bethany

    small white worms.... too big to be bristle worms...what do i do?

    Yes I have a tomato clown, a yellow wrasse and a blue and black stripped gobie with a bunch of snails and crabs. They are not spiral or hard. They look like miniature magets but really thin. they make my glass look dirty...
  2. bethany

    small white worms.... too big to be bristle worms...what do i do?

    For the last week I have noticed some fuzzy white stuff on the glass. When I took a better look I saw that they were moving. They are microscopic white worms. They are about 1/2 a cent. long. Does anyone know what they are and what I should do about them? They are mainly concentrated in one area...
  3. bethany

    Help me turn my tank into a reef! Please!

    THANKS EVERYONE! Big help. I will only be getting 1 mushroom if the water is okay.
  4. bethany

    Help me turn my tank into a reef! Please!

    i still don't have a computer at home. At work I have access to all of them but primarily msn. Also, again, if my water parameters are okay i plan on buying a mushroom this weekend. But what should the water parameters be if i am only buying a mushroom to start?
  5. bethany

    Help me turn my tank into a reef! Please!

    i'll get the water parameters this weekend when i go back to the lfs. The lights i have are the long 18inch bulbs from "corallife". I don't care what kind of corals, anenomies, invertabreas(sp) (they are all the same to me!!). I just want my tank pretty and colorful but I don't really know how...
  6. bethany

    Help me turn my tank into a reef! Please!

    I have a 45 gal tall with about 55-60lbs of lr, 2 in of ls, 1 tomato clown, 1 yellow wrase, 1 blue wrase, a few sally crabs and other smaller, 3 shrimp, and a bunch of snails. As far as lighting is concerned if have 2 blue and 2 white full spectrum bulbs. The total wattage is 80. I am looking to...
  7. bethany

    Need help Identifying spots

    I asked about these same small white things and someone tole me they are filter feeders and I should leave them alone!!!
  8. bethany

    what are the little white circle things on my glass???

    the are round and flat and won't go away! Everytime that I scratch them off they just come right back! What are they and how do I get rid of them????
  9. bethany

    lighting.. how much is okay for anenomies

    i have 4 20 watt bulbs. 2 are blue 2 are white... is that okay or what should i do. My rocks are high so i plan on putting the anenomies on the higher perts........ help please....................
  10. bethany

    Free U-Build It Package to the 150th

    well here goes my second will be over by the time I wake up.......ALWAYS HAPPENS THAT WAY :cool:
  11. bethany

    Free U-Build It Package to the 150th

    mine too!
  12. bethany

    Saw a Dog Fish and I want one..Are they reef safe? need help on caring for one.......

    How sad... I really wanted one too..... oh well......thanks for the help before I destroy what I already have..:D
  13. bethany

    Saw a Dog Fish and I want one..Are they reef safe? need help on caring for one.......

    i really want a dog fish now.... but don't have a clue if there are any special habits, temperatures, foods or anything like that. Right now I only have lr, ls, sponge, peppermint shrimp. I want to make it a reef... are dogfish reef safe????????????/
  14. bethany

    Can anyone post a pix of a fish with ich? Never seen it and my fish has.....

    Well all of my fish have died and my anenomie. All that I have left is a peppermint shrimp and a carrot sponge, lr & ls. What should I do? Should I let my tank sit a while with out any fish. I think the fish were already sick before I bought them. They didn't look so healthy in the lfs. I tried...
  15. bethany

    Snail Problem

    I don't have any snails and need to go buy some... So if you would like to save me the money you can always send me some :rolleyes: :D
  16. bethany

    Can i use tap water from my faucet for water changes?

    what is a tds meter and what does it do?
  17. bethany

    Can i use tap water from my faucet for water changes?

    if the chlorine, phosphates & copper tests are okay can I use tap water? What level should these be when tested. I have a 45 gallon.
  18. bethany


    I am new to this as well. Everyone I know I share about my every little experience with..... I think they are starting to think I am nuts!:D :p I enjoy it!
  19. bethany

    test kits

    Okay.. I need one too. Everywhere I look I see the "master test kit" for $75+. That is crazy..... How reliable is this $25 kit and where can I get it for.......I am on a budget.........:D Thanks!
  20. bethany

    brown alge stuff growing on the glass all over...looks like rust.. what is it?

    the problem is worse and my only fish left was dead when I got home last night.... Not sure if this played a part or not. So all i have not is 1 peppermint shrimp, 1 carrot sponge and about 35# lr, 60#ls. I want to get this under control before I put more fish. (and maybe finally buy a book). I...