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  1. midas

    Start Of My 75 Gal Reeef!

    Very nice, I like the aquascape too. How long's it been set up?
  2. midas

    bumblebee snail

    Will they not eat other types of snails?
  3. midas

    will they get along?

    I've never seen a wrasse bother one. I have a friend with an anemone and a lunare in his tank and the wrasse doesn't bother it.
  4. midas

    Who has a blue throat trigger?

    We've had one for about 2 month's now. When we first got him he went a round or two with our sailfin and yellow tang's, then all was good.The tang's stay out of his way. The blue Jaw hid a lot at first but now is out most of the time. He like's a nice cave where he can lay in close to the sand...
  5. midas

    Micro bubbles from chemiclean

    I had the skimmer off til I did the water change. After that I started it back up and then got bubbles. I left the skimmer off a couple of more days and then started it back up and it blew a few bubbles for about an hour and then quit. If it keeps up after that I would do another 10% water...
  6. midas

    Yellow Fin Wrasse Rides Yellow Shrimp Goby

    Dumb Wrasse-you're not my type!
  7. midas

    Vacation disaster. Thinking about getting out of the hobby.

    Hey take it from a spill pro, use lots of fans to dry the carpet! I have an account that I do tank maintence for and he's always spilling water (not me hah) It may take a couple of days but works well. I have seen over feeding and chemicals make skimmer's go bezerk too. Hang in there, you will...
  8. midas

    Micro bubbles from chemiclean

    Are you still running the skimmer? I've used chemi-clean and had to leave the skimmer off a couple of extra days, then all was fine.
  9. midas

    Strange tube animal???

    They are web worms. They excrete a "web" and catch food in the water. They won't hurt anything and help filter the water.
  10. midas

    Any thoughts?...

    Looks like a sponge to me. They are good..
  11. midas

    Suggestions on how to wean my lion fish onto krill/silversides from live fish

    You may try using a feeding stick and wiggle the silverside on it. Sometimes that will work, it may take a few times tho.
  12. midas

    Coral Beauty Help

    I would call the store and let them know about him not eating.Try bringing your temp up to about 80, not to fast. It sounds to me like he's probably not going to make it. :( The only other food that he might try is nori. No spot's, sores, leison's, or anything like that on him? Do his gills look...
  13. midas

    David Saxby's Amazing 1200 gallon Tank

    Wow! Wow! Definately the most beautiful tank I've seen. Amazing how many fish he's got in there. Going to have to go get the atlas to ID a couple of the fish. Glad you shared!
  14. midas

    Coral Beauty Help

    I always make sure that the fish eats before I buy it. Did you get it from a LFS? Sounds like it's stressed or sick. What is your water temp? Did you medicate it in QT?
  15. midas

    SeaClone Protein Skimmer

    I agree. I've had a sea clone and it didn't do a very good job in my opinion. When doing a reef tank one of the thing's you don't want to skimp on is a skimmer. Get one geared for a lot more than your water volume, including your sump/refugium. Your corals will thank you! Hope that helps.
  16. midas

    too much live rock?

    I agree. The rock act's as part of your filtration. The more rock the better.
  17. midas

    Getting rid of cyano! Question please.

    Chemi-clean will get rid of it but follow the direction's. You have to do a water change after using it, maybe two. Worked good for me, I just did the same thing.
  18. midas

    fragging plug recomendation?

    If you use marble tile be sure it it pure white, no other color. Some of the color's can contain natural medals that can leach into your water, and that isn't good for your tank. I would think it would be the same for all tile. Anyone know on the other types?
  19. midas


    I really like the pipe idea. I have a very top heavy piece of frogspawn and I can use a piece of pipe to stabilize it til it set's. Thanks!
  20. midas

    what should hobbist not purchase because they do not thrive in our aquariums

    bought my horn shark to cull out the pesky kids in the neighborhood Haha I think there are a lot of types of fish no one should keep in their tanks due to the species, and all the other reason's listed here. Some thing's are just harder to keep, and if kept, should be kept by experienced...