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  1. pacino

    Puffer explodes

    i lost my puffer last week. i think to the same type of problem. i had him for about a year, i think what i might have doing wrong is i would leave the dried shrimp he loved at the surface and he would come up and get it. that would have been the only time he was exposed to air. or else he must...
  2. pacino

    puffer is not looking good**PLEASE HELP**

    well my puffer was dead when i got home i tested the water and it goes like this ph 8.2, ammonia 0, nitrite 0, nitrate 10, salinity 1.011 i am doing hypo and i still havent gotten to the recommended 1.009. only cause of the holidays and 2 jobs, i just havent had enough time. so i am thinking...
  3. pacino

    puffer is not looking good**PLEASE HELP**

    man i get no love on this subject....................... :help:
  4. pacino

    puffer is not looking good**PLEASE HELP**

    i am doing a hypo treatment to my 80 gallon to treat my racoon butterfly and porc. puffer. i have been doing so for about a month and the ich is getting better but not completely. last night i got home and the puffer was just laying on the bottom kinda hunched over. he is normally always...
  5. pacino

    Ich in my new 125

    check the "disease forums" there is alot of good info there as far as "QT". i am doing what is called a "hypo treatment" to my 80 gallon and it seems to be working pretty well. search for that thread as well. but the one thing i would recommend in the future is something i have had a reasonable...
  6. pacino

    got green moss! need help!!

    i have a yellow tang...
  7. pacino

    got green moss! need help!!

    i get the saltwater from my lfs, its from catalina here in california, but i have never asked if it is reverse osmosis. the freshwater i get is from the bottled water machine, then i add buffer.
  8. pacino

    got green moss! need help!!

    any other opinions out there?
  9. pacino

    got green moss! need help!!

    i have seen what you are talking about, but this stuff is like thick thck moss and it grows like hair. and it is spreading like wildfire. i never see my hermits grubbing on the stuff, so that is why i am at a total loss as to what it is. it is probably closer to natural sunlight than i would...
  10. pacino

    New Tank... need ideas

    thats the one!
  11. pacino

    got green moss! need help!!

    :help: over the last 2-3 months i have been battling this green moss in my 30 gallon. unfortunatly i cant post a picture, but it is the hair algae. its really nappy like moss. does anyone know what might be causing this??? and how to treat it?? specs are as follows: 30 system II 30+ pounds of...
  12. pacino

    Hyposalinty- my tank has been at 1.009 for 6 days & fish still has visible ich

    i will take that into consideration "AW2", thanks again. oh and where can i see some pics of your tanks? and just to touch on something i forgot, hey "af330i" i hear you on the worrying side, i was telling someone at work how these fish are like my kids, i care for them, feed them , and worry...
  13. pacino

    Hyposalinty- my tank has been at 1.009 for 6 days & fish still has visible ich

    all my fish ( porc. puffer, racoon butterfly, & sailfin tang ) did really well, i got the impression that they could have lasted longer then the 3min. dip that was recommended to me. do you recommend doing more dips while i am "hypo"ing??
  14. pacino

    hypo treatment ???'s

    for how long? as long as i am doing the hypo? i think i am gonna try this when i add new fish in the future, i heard thats good too??
  15. pacino

    hypo treatment ???'s

    how do you make it fresh?? sorry but the only thing i can cook is "cup o' noodles :-)
  16. pacino

    ich help

    how often do you do water changes in a QT?
  17. pacino

    Hyposalinty- my tank has been at 1.009 for 6 days & fish still has visible ich

    one thing i am wondering, and "af330i" i am not sure if you tried this, but freshwater dips, are they recommended as well as the hypo treatment. i did one on monday, should more be done??
  18. pacino

    Yellow Tangs and ich?

    yellow tangs are usually really tuff, if the water is right. its the "head & lateral line erosion" that they as well as other tangs get more often. in my experience all butterflies are more prone to ich. yellow tangs are the bomb though.
  19. pacino

    Hyposalinty- my tank has been at 1.009 for 6 days & fish still has visible ich

    good question, from what i have been told here, you are doing everything right, i am just starting my hypo for my three sick fish also. my first time doing "hypo", but i feel you as far as wanting it to just hurry up and leave my fish alone! its supposed to take some time but i will be watching...