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  1. jasony

    Mixing Clowns with damsels. is it ok?

    wow... ok..i went to return the 2 extra clowns and llo and behold.. the lfs doest give refunds so i kept them i hesitantly added them to my display.... 8 hours later they seemm to be doing fine one pair has chosen a few rocks on the far left of tank another pair is oddly swimming with the 4...
  2. jasony

    Mixing Clowns with damsels. is it ok?

    thanks i appreciate the input.. b4 i purchased the 3 clowns i asked the guy at the lfs if i could have more than 2 clowns in a tank.. ( i told him i had a 150) he told me with a tank that size i could keep a max of about 6 as long as i buy them all at the same time and they are all juveniles...
  3. jasony

    Mixing Clowns with damsels. is it ok?

    just re arranged one of the live rock formations that the damsels love and added the 4 clowns.... so far so good... clowns are keeping to themself and damsels are keeping to themselves.....
  4. jasony

    Mixing Clowns with damsels. is it ok?

    i just ran back to the lfs and purchased another clown.. so now i have 4
  5. jasony

    Mixing Clowns with damsels. is it ok?

    almost done acclimating.. will keep u guys posted when i introduce them
  6. jasony

    Mixing Clowns with damsels. is it ok?

    thanks i have 4 blue damsels that are quite territorial with the live rock formations the clowns i dont know what they are.. got them from lfs for 14.99 a piece (they are about 1 inch long).. is it advisable to re arrange th elive rock to get rid of territories b4 i add the clowns?
  7. jasony

    Mixing Clowns with damsels. is it ok?

    I have a 150 fowlr tank is relatively new (up and running for 6 months with only 4 damsels, 5 hermits, 4 snails) i just recently purchased 3 small clowns.. will the damsels pester them? or will they be fine? i know i need to get the damsels out of there buts its difficult.
  8. jasony

    How to order live game fish (bass, bluegill etc)

    hey guys i have a 1 acre retention pond in my backyard that would be great if I could use for fishing in th epond now are only perch i have no idea how they got there..... (any ideas?) my question is do any of you know of any service (beside going thru the state)...where i can order live...
  9. jasony

    crushed coral and live sand (can they mix?)

    simple question.. can one mix crushed coral with live sand? rite now i have a 3.5 inch crushed coral bed but wanted to mix in some sand.. is this advisable? tank is 150 fowlr 8 small hermit crabs 1 large hermit with anenomes on its back 4 damsels
  10. jasony

    Hermit Crab w/ Anemone not moving !!

    hey i purchased a large hermit crab (2.5 inch diameter) with anenomes on its back from lfs today and acclimated it (approx 2 hour drip) as per instructions the crab seemed fine during acclimation and was very active and even ate ! however once i introduced it to the tank it has been inactive for...
  11. jasony

    Live Rock and Crushed Coral turning yellow/Brwn

    thanks.... now i know what to tell friends who think i have a "dirty tank"
  12. jasony

    Live Rock and Crushed Coral turning yellow/Brwn

    question.. what can be the possible causes of my live rock and crushed coral all starting to have a dirty yellowish/brownish tint.. everything was fine and looking white-ish until about a week ago... is it a lighting issue causing algae or something else... nitrates are fine and phosphates are fine
  13. jasony

    What is Proper way to decrease salinity ?

    thanks is there some general rule/time frame? 4 example, " remove x amount of gallons from display tank and then slowly introduce x gallons/hour" ? etc etc
  14. jasony

    What is Proper way to decrease salinity ?

    hey what is the proper way to decrease salinity in my tank? i have a 150 fowlr running for 3 months. do i simply remove a few gallons from the tank and throw in some RO water? or am i to slowly or gradually introduce RO water thru the sump tank? please help
  15. jasony

    Still have hair Algae

    my tank is starting to get a layer of green algae on top of my crushed coral.. its getting out of control (almost a green carpet) tank is 150 gallon and i have 10 hermit crabs do i simply add more and more crabs/snails/cleaner crew creatures or do i turn off my lights for longer durations? the...
  16. jasony

    acclimation question

    thanks a million !!! great explantion
  17. jasony

    acclimation question

    i just watched the flash presentation on the left... my question is: 1) when acclimating how much stock aquarium water do i have drip into the styrofoam lfs water box that houses my new purchase? do i let an equal volume of my aquarium water mix with the lfs water? or do i double the volume of...
  18. jasony

    serious cloudy water problem ! Help !

    i have wet dry with skimmer i will try carbon...
  19. jasony

    serious cloudy water problem ! Help !

    recently some of my live rock formations fell over and stirred up some sand and cruched coral...this was 2 days ago.... since then my water has yet to become clear again.. what do i need to do to restore the clear look? its transparent but no longer clear like it used to be... how long do i wait?
  20. jasony

    pix of my new 150 gallon (im a noob)

    great pix!! gave me some ideas... i will buy some more LR and play around with designs... thanx