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  1. enriqueb

    What do I need to do to get my tank up and running again? Fish Advice too!

    I went out of town and had my roommate take care of my tank which he didn't do. Hence my fish died. I shut everything off and have left it for 2 or 3 months. I have a 29gal with a wet/dry filter. About 20lb of what was live rock. It has been a FOWLR tank. I am planning on doing a serious water...
  2. enriqueb

    blue-spot puffer nipped my clowns tail. what should i do?

    hello. i have a 29 gal FOWLR with a clownfish, yellow watchman and a newly added blue spot puffer that just took a nice piece off my clownfish's tail fin. i have tried to keep an eye on them since but I was wondering is there anything I can do other than take him back? I have heard that some...
  3. enriqueb

    Not wanting to be rude th LFS owner.

    seriously. you really need to ask. i like the guy who owns the LFS near me too and didn't ask him to feed for the first few times because id ask him if the fish was eating and trusted him but once you lose a few fish you start to become a smarter buyer. it was dumb for me not to ask then and its...
  4. enriqueb

    potters angel has got something. please help

    bump. any ideas for good foods(meaty) i can make/buy from a lfs? update on potters: he likes the algea sheets i put in there but the disease doesnt seem to be fading. still concentrated in his face. water still at the same parameters. let me know some good foods please. thanks for your help.
  5. enriqueb

    potters angel has got something. please help

    thanks for your help. i went and bought some algea sheets and put some in the tank. a few questions though, what should i usually be feeding these guys and how often? and what is a good meaty food? i have been feeding with prime reef and angel formula from ocean nutrition along with some...
  6. enriqueb

    potters angel has got something. please help

    hello. my potters angel who i have had for about 4 months now in my 29 gallon tank has got something i cant identify. My camera is not the best and I cant get a good enough picture to show on here. Here is the best description I can come up with: One of his underside fins looks damaged and he...
  7. enriqueb

    i need more flow what is better?

    is there a rule of thumb for how much flow you should have based on the size of your tank?
  8. enriqueb

    i need more flow what is better?

    thanks for the imput. do you think 2 ph and the return flow is overkill in a 29 or would that be significantly better than one ph and my return pump flow?
  9. enriqueb

    i need more flow what is better?

    i have a 29 gal with a wet dry that came from my friends 55 or 72 bowfront. the pump that came with it stopped working but i had an extra pump that pumps less gph. i have been using it for a bit but i have had cyano recently and feel like im not getting enough flow. so my question is should i...
  10. enriqueb

    help!! potters angel might have a fungus / cyano question

    there is no red. the spot is kind of cloudy. it looks slightly raised. i guess an abrasion isnt out of the question but it got bigger from yesterday to today and i guess i would have to keep an eye on it.
  11. enriqueb

    help!! potters angel might have a fungus / cyano question

    my camera will not take a good enough picture for you to see what im talking about. as for how long i have had him, i have had him for close to 4 months. he eats great. he picks at the rocks all day and loves any pellet food or prime reef or angel formula i throw in there.
  12. enriqueb

    help!! potters angel might have a fungus / cyano question

    hello. i feel like things are going terribly in my tank. my potters angel has a spot in between and slightly above his eyes. its not ick and it has gotten bigger since yesterday. my lfs recommended for me to do a formalin dip in saltwater for 3-4 minutes. would you guys recommend this? also. i...
  13. enriqueb

    eniginer goby vs. yellow watch men?

    i just got a yellow watchman and he is awesome. hes beautiful and hes got tons of personality. definately not shy like i thought he would be. i want to get a pistol shrimp so he can have a friend.
  14. enriqueb

    what can i put it my 29g FOWLR?

    i have had the potters for three months i think
  15. enriqueb

    what can i put it my 29g FOWLR?

    I have a 29gal with a wet/dry and about 25lbs of live rock w/ -potters angel -false perc -snails/hermits -sand sifting starfish What can I add? I like -sixline wrasses -neon dottybacks -chromis -a blenny or goby I realize that I cant put all of those in there. But would 2 small chromis and a...
  16. enriqueb

    new 29 gallon set up

    i have a potters angel in mine and love it, but you need a pretty mature tank to keep an angel so you might want to wait a whileif you just set yours up. i think a sixline wrasse, or some kind of goby or blenny would be awesome for your tank.
  17. enriqueb

    can i put a scooter blenny in a 29 gal?

    hey. id really like to get a scooter blenny but I dont want to kill one or have an unhealthy/unhappy one so my question is will a scooter blenny do ok in a 29 gal with a sump and about 20-25lbs of live rock. I know they need copopods, would I have enough with just my live rock, or should i...
  18. enriqueb

    Fish Suggestions for 40 gal reef?

    my lawnmower eats the frozen stuff i throw in there but wont eat the pellet food i put in. but he tears up the algea hes definately a cool fish. you could also consider a yellow watchman goby or a shrimp goby and a pistol shrimp to go with him. i hear they form a really cool relationship with...
  19. enriqueb

    Finicky 6 Line Wrasse

    did he eat at the store by any chance? i was not successful with the sixline i bought a few months ago. I hear they ship very poorly. I know they eat off the rocks but i am looking for one that eats regular food in the store to hopefully add to my tank.
  20. enriqueb

    6 line wrasse or cleaner wrasse

    make sure that if you buy a sixline, it has been at the store for a while and you see it eat. i lost a sixline within a few days of getting him and found out afterwards that they ship very poorly and although i thought he had been there for a while, i think the lfs just told me that to get me to...