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  1. txstud3231

    coraline algae question?

    i have only had my 50 gallon reef going for about 5 months, but i still have seen any coraline algae growing. there is 150 watts of PC's on it. i have heard that ph can effect its ability to grow on my LR. my ph stays about 8.2.... any suggestions?
  2. txstud3231

    help with my mushrooms!

    well i have put them in the middle and on the ground but i havent really seen a difference. i will put them low and see what that does.
  3. txstud3231

    help with my mushrooms!

    i have blue mushrooms, well they're more voilet than anything. anyways, ever since i bought them they haven't been coming out real well. they stay little and sort of shrivled. h2o perameters good: amonnia o, nitrite 0, nitrate 20ppm, Ca from 400-450 ppm. i have 150 watts on a 50 gal, through...
  4. txstud3231

    lighting question!

    hey im about to keep my first reef tank and i know everything i need to know, but i have had some controversal suggestions on the amount of lighting im going to need. i am setting up a twenty five gallon mini reef and i have 2 36 watt 50/50 powercompacts. you think this is enough or too much..
  5. txstud3231

    how to dose kalkewasser?

    ok, i have made a batch of kalkwasser in a gallon container but i dont understand how you use it as far as adding it to your tank. do i just throw the whole thing in there or what. the amount i bought said that it made 50 gallons. but i didnt think i use the whole thing. anyways, can someone...
  6. txstud3231

    to much biofiltration?

    is there any way that you could possiblly have too much biofiltration?
  7. txstud3231

    bulding a sump!! help

    i am going to build a sump for my 75 gallon. how big of a sump tank would i need? also is it pretty easy to do and where can i find some good instructions on how to do so?
  8. txstud3231

    Can a foxface sting other fish

    foxface's tend to be really shy fish and would rather run then to "sting" another fish.
  9. txstud3231


    i have a beautiful 14" long red volitan. when i got him the only thing he would eat was live food. what i did was throw in a live fish and then killed the second one and threw it in. at first he swam to it and looked at it, then he got the hang of eating them. oh and forget the tongs, i made a...
  10. txstud3231

    do i need a chiller?

    i am thinking about putting up a tank with some sharks in it. probably bamboo shark or maybe even an apaulette shark. anyways, i talk to someone and they said that i need a chiller for my tank. my friend has quitar rays also, do they both need a chiller?
  11. txstud3231

    is anyone a marine biologist?

    hey i know this isn't a fish question, but i was just wondering if anyone in this board is a marine biologist. i am a freshman in college and are planning to be one. i am going to go to texas a&m in galveston. i was just wondering what your thoughts are on marine biology? just put me in the...
  12. txstud3231

    aggressive tank filter system

    i agree with tankstolove. the bigger the fish you have, the more waste they are going to be producing, so it is best to have the best filtration possible! good luck!
  13. txstud3231

    what should I look for in a fish store?

    since i work at a fish store, i know what the fish look like when they come in and what to look for as far as health. But, when buying at another store, i deffinatly look for healthy fish and i throw some questions to whoever is running the fish department to test their knowledge. you may also...
  14. txstud3231

    Help with lighting on my 125gal.

    for a FOwLR tank you should be ok with the lighting you have now. if you are going to keep corals in the future in another tank or so, you will need better lighting.
  15. txstud3231

    is it ok to rearrange the decorations?

    i have a tank with many fish. if i change the setup i know it will cause territories to change, buit will it cause a problem with the fish? ernie
  16. txstud3231

    I found a freshwater lionfish?

    i have a huge red volitan lionfish. anyways, i also have a freshwater tank and found what was selling as a "freshwater lionfish". it looks more like a stonefish. if anyone knows anything about them please tell! thanks