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  1. jzuse

    some ick questions

    From my understanding while the fish is in the QT it is best to use hyposalinity. This ensures that the fish is ick free before you place them in the display tank. Also form what I have heard Ick needs a higher salinity level or what would be considered ideal in your tank, but what the fish...
  2. jzuse


    Oh yeah the are eating mysis shrimp off of my finger. So I should not start raising the salinity
  3. jzuse


    Right now it is at 1.009 but I was about to start the increase in salt
  4. jzuse


    I put my fish in a QT for about 3 weeks and am ready to begin raising the salinity, but I noticed my bar goby scratching him self on the floor and the pipes in the QT, What should I do? Do I leave them in there at a low salinity?
  5. jzuse

    What Is THIS???

    so it sould be ok to leave in the tank
  6. jzuse

    Help ID

    Originally Posted by reeffer do you have a QT yeah I do have a QT but I am hypo'ing some fish
  7. jzuse

    Help ID

  8. jzuse

    Help ID

    So it is ok to leave in the tank?
  9. jzuse

    Help ID

    What is this thing in my tank? I am sure that it came form the LR. What should I do? It is about 1 1/2" long.
  10. jzuse

    What Is THIS???

    What is this thing in my tank? I am sure that it came form the LR. What should I do? It is about 1 1/2" long.
  11. jzuse


    Is it a good idea to use Hyposalinity with all new fish, to prevent ick or is quarantine is enough?
  12. jzuse

    Coral Beauty Angel?

    I have a bar goby, and a chromis. I used some kick ick and it seemed to help a bit, none of the fish now have any really bad break outs but I read in one of your posts that once ick is in your tank it’s in there and the only way to get rid of it is by hypo or copper. I had posted this question...
  13. jzuse

    Coral Beauty Angel?

    Ich in a QT
  14. jzuse

    Coral Beauty Angel?

    It is safe to use Coppersafe with a Coral Beauty Angel fish? I have read that its not safe for all but but no specifics.
  15. jzuse

    QT question?

    So what would be better? Hyposalinity or the Copper? I dont have a refractometer, I just got a hydrometer. Would it be ok to use both methods in the same QT?
  16. jzuse

    QT question?

    Thanks Unleashed, Is it still a good idea to paint the tank black? and also the copper removes the slime coating right, is there something that I can buy to put that coating back on before placing them back in the main tank? When I purchase new fish it is safe to place them into this tank first...
  17. jzuse

    QT question?

    I have read Beth’s very informative posts and I am still not really clear on how to set up a QT. Right now I am down to three fish, a Coral Beauty Angel, Bar Goby and a Green Chromis. I noticed that I had/have ich in the tank, because I had a clown fish die on me. I thought I read a post that...
  18. jzuse

    How many?

    What is a good number of clown fish to have in a 37 gal tank? I just think that they are the coolest and which ones have the darkest colors the true or the false? :happyfish
  19. jzuse

    What is this?

    I found this anemone for sale on the net, it says that this is natural color, they also say that it comes from Japan and that the color is even brighter that in the pic. They also mention that it doesn't host clownfish and is about 3" in size. Could this be dyed? Or is this even real? Has anyone...
  20. jzuse

    Bought this new coral, which way is up?

    I am perty sure its the right way in your first pic