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  1. splderboy


    Well I went and bought about 40lbs of play sand to go along with it
  2. splderboy


    OK but will it drop on its own? I have about 40lbs of LS and about 16Lbs of live rock and about 40lbs of base rock sea clone skimmer
  3. splderboy


    I have had my tank setup for 15days just tested said 8.6 all other test are in the OK range. I was just wondering if I should be worried about my ph being so high and if it was OK to go ahead and do a 20% water change Thanks <img src="graemlins//urrr.gif" border="0" alt="[urrr]" />
  4. splderboy

    Coraline Alge

    Well Coraline Alge grow under VHO lights
  5. splderboy

    Air Bubbles under my live sand?

    Thaks a-lot I'll do a search on that thanks again.. :D
  6. splderboy

    Air Bubbles under my live sand?

    why is there air bubbles under my live sand? should I stir the sand up or just leave it alone <img src="graemlins//eek.gif" border="0" alt="[eek]" />
  7. splderboy


    So how would I get this thing out and if I can't will it be safe to put corals in or should I take that peace of rock out all together?
  8. splderboy


    Well at first I didn't know what it was but it does look like a spider... it's about 30mm maybe a little more two of it's legs where longer then the others and had hooks on them and it was black and white it tried to grab my turbo snail. it's in a hole on my live rock and has not fully emerged yet.
  9. splderboy


    I just noticed a sea-spider in a hole in my rock today... I'am just setting up a reef... And was wondering if the spider would hurt anything?
  10. splderboy


    I just noticed a sea-spider in a hole in my rock today
  11. splderboy

    Makeing a Canopy

    I just love this site Thanks All
  12. splderboy

    Makeing a Canopy

    Is there a site or anything that will tell you how too make a Canopy for My tank it's a 75gal
  13. splderboy

    Live Rock Filteration? Need Help

    Thank's for all the help I have about 50 pounds of base rock already in the tank so you say that it will seed it?
  14. splderboy

    Live Rock Filteration? Need Help

    How much live rock can I get by with for the filteration my funds are limited I have a Tank ,vho lights 40 pounds of live sand and 100 pounds of play sand Sea Clone Skimmer and also what other kinds of filteration should I have? power heads? hang on filter? I am New to this... don't have...